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Everything posted by gracelet

  1. I am looking for a partner and the dates are 8/25 to 9/3. May be interested in going to the valley for the day, but very happy staying in the Tuolumne area. I can confidently follow 5.8. Please email me at graceradke@gmail.com or call me at 503-816-6666 thanks
  2. Trip: - black peak Date: 7/18/2007 Trip Report:
  3. Jason, I just spoke to a guy from Beaverton OR and he and his friend sound interested will keep you posted.
  4. I was up there yesterday to climb the Kautz Glacier our party of 4 decided to turn around due to weather and a broken strap on a pack. I am disappointed and would really like to climb Rainier this year. I have July 17th-23rd off and would like to give it ago again perhaps a different route, Disappointment Cleaver?? This year I have climbed the Whitney (the East Face), Hood and St Helens. I am proficient at rope management, glacier travel, steep snow and have no problems w/ exposure. I live in Portland OR-PM if your are interested.
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