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Everything posted by karen

  1. test
  2. I think you are right and it goes way deeper than bike helmets. seat belts. we are talking about survellance, who you speak to on this computer. about being afraid if you hits are too :leftest" . There are meay things going on no one complains abotu., How coem no one asked , where in fact was the ice On Paul Wellstones airplane
  3. karen

    Just Remember . . .

    gotta say you are truly horrible.
  4. where do you live. If you live in Seattle, the mountaineers are great. they are cheap and fun
  5. I.d rather be like Trask than be pompus and civil. You go Trask ( who ever you are)
  6. karen


    I read an account of 12 Mexicans soldiers being detained and tortured for information in pot smuggling. Go figure.. Our tax dollars on the war against drugs at work
  7. to Capt Caveman. Ive done them too ..great scrambles.. thank s for that
  8. karen


    to Capt Caveman. Ive done them too ..great scrambles.. thank s for that
  9. I think I answerd the query about what scrambling. Destinations? any peak or ridge or any where you want to go. depending on what you feel like doing at that moment.. Rock climbing usually means the same thing only once you get theer you use protection.. The Pacific Northwest has any of the following. You can scramble Guye Peak , You can scramble Mt Stuart, Spent the summer running ridges just for the hell of it. What you are asking me is different.. What have you done?. If Dru was asking me to come on out that is fine . But if some one tries to bully me well... that is different
  10. karen


    I think I answerd the query about what scrambling. Destinations? any peak or ridge or any where you want to go. depending on what you feel like doing at that moment.. Rock climbing usually means the same thing only once you get theer you use protection.. The Pacific Northwest has any of the following. You can scramble Guye Peak , You can scramble Mt Stuart, Spent the summer running ridges just for the hell of it. What you are asking me is different.. What have you done?. If Dru was asking me to come on out that is fine . But if some one tries to bully me well... that is different
  11. karen


    to Capt Caveman, I totally understand what youa re saying and I agree. It is wonderful. hey Dru you've been dumped by a bunch of women and braggin about it?
  12. to Capt Caveman, I totally understand what youa re saying and I agree. It is wonderful. hey Dru you've been dumped by a bunch of women and braggin about it?
  13. karen


    Great picture. Some of that is yes scrambling, some not .. I Sure you are a great climber. probably summeted K2 more than once. does not have to be one day I think Im going to bail on this . I've had a ew responses that were positive, Enjoy what ever it is that you do. What was that, by the way?
  14. Great picture. Some of that is yes scrambling, some not .. I Sure you are a great climber. probably summeted K2 more than once. does not have to be one day I think Im going to bail on this . I've had a ew responses that were positive, Enjoy what ever it is that you do. What was that, by the way?
  15. karen


    For DRu ( who ever that is) Scrambling is scree yes rock ice snow hiking climbing . with out the use of aid. I t can but may not have exposure i. It is fun for me and obviously is mot for you.. so that is fine.. you don't have to.. what is the old saying you can dish it out...
  16. For DRu ( who ever that is) Scrambling is scree yes rock ice snow hiking climbing . with out the use of aid. I t can but may not have exposure i. It is fun for me and obviously is mot for you.. so that is fine.. you don't have to.. what is the old saying you can dish it out...
  17. karen


    Ill define scrambling fi you define what you do.. lets see wanking off in front of a computer while roped up so you don't fall of the chair?
  18. Ill define scrambling fi you define what you do.. lets see wanking off in front of a computer while roped up so you don't fall of the chair?
  19. karen


    gee sorry I posted. I was hoping to meet people who were like minded who enjoyed the outdoors and wanted to get out some in what ever capacity.. I have climbed with ropes and done glaciers. Have done climbing In the Andes but that just isn't where I'm at now. Partly because I lost a friend or two along the way. Im not here to impress people with my abilities.. I am not interestd in verbal BS either.. sorry I asked
  20. gee sorry I posted. I was hoping to meet people who were like minded who enjoyed the outdoors and wanted to get out some in what ever capacity.. I have climbed with ropes and done glaciers. Have done climbing In the Andes but that just isn't where I'm at now. Partly because I lost a friend or two along the way. Im not here to impress people with my abilities.. I am not interestd in verbal BS either.. sorry I asked
  21. karen


    Did I hear breakfast? your'e on dude. lets see scramblers do what you sissies do with ropes Most people who talk alot climb a whole lot less.
  22. Did I hear breakfast? your'e on dude. lets see scramblers do what you sissies do with ropes Most people who talk alot climb a whole lot less.
  23. karen


    my scramble buddy is in England. any one want to go scrambling?
  24. my scramble buddy is in England. any one want to go scrambling?
  25. well I have asked about scramblers and got one friendly response. was told if I couldn't lead a 5'7 with my own equipment I shouldn't logon to ( a free) this website.. soo if you are lokng for answers seem to me you woudl like scrambling.. what some of these folks don't realize is tha scramblers are as kick butt as any of them We just talk less and brag less..
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