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  1. That was serious stress. So tedious. You blow my mind Dan. You were crushing it out there. Hell of a first trip to test things out, eh? Have to share a few more of Drew's great pics...what an amazing trip! Dan below Arachnophobia. The upper part of the line is in the upper-center of photo. Climbing the steep upper part of Arachnophobia. E$ doing the scary side-stepping.
  2. I think you and EW had a similar trip a few years ago? I looked up the tr's from the north ridge on your site today to try and figure out what shape the step was in when you went down it. Given your descriptions and photos, perhaps it is in better shape now? Feeling some shoulda, woulda, coulda if ya know what I mean. Yeah, been on cc for a while, but rarely feel the urge to post....probably because its rare for me to do anything noteworthy!
  3. Trip: Baker N. Ridge Climb/Ski Recon and CD ski - N. Ridge, Coleman/Demming Date: 8/6/2011 Trip Report: Cross post here... 8/6 Baker N. Ridge climb Coleman ski, car to car Brandon sums it up well in the short write-up above. We didn't ski the N. Ridge, but if we would have I think it would have taken 3 rappels with the 50m we had to get down the ice step. V-threads would have been a little dicey unless you were willing to really dig a lot to get into some better ice. Bollards might have been best. We were planning on using V-threads btw, but at the base of the ice-step we were set on skiing the CD to exit so we did not build any rappel stations to return too. Also, buyer beware here, I felt that a "seasoned" skier could have possibly side-slipped (with ax in hand) the normal route up the ice step around 2-4 pm given the conditions we saw at about that time. Maybe I'm being a bit aggressive with those thoughts, but many people would have at least felt ok with down-climbing it sans rope in the conditions we had. Regardless, the rest of the route would go on skis right now with careful crossing of several cracks in the "secret passage" area, below the ice-step and above the apron, and at the 'schrund below the apron. The 'schrund is wide open across the entire base of the apron making for exciting climbing and most likely mind-blowing skiing. Gear Notes: 4 screws 2 pickets 50m floss Approach Notes: Do the standard route, then head left at 7,800'. Takes you past the base of the Roman Nose.
  4. Being shadowed...first Bona now this! Well, it's a guess, but I'm pretty sure. Great work, and good to see another taking advantage of the conditions!
  5. Thanks, yeah looking back on the route after we were down it was cool to see our tracks...there was a nice bridge on the west side of the ridge's toe that allowed us to ski the steep snow slope on the west side of the ridge and drop right onto the carbon. The large crack just beyond that was a little tricker...we had to head west for a ways (below liberty cap ice cliff) to some avy debris that had filled in the crack enough to allow us to ski over. Very scary to be below that ice cliff during the heat of the day (around 3 pm).
  6. Thanks for the TR. Quick question...how far up the Icicle did you drive? I'm assuming you parked at Bridge Creek and walked up Mt's Creek road. I'm thiking about acccessing the north side of Cashmere (Lake Victoria Drainage) from the bridge near Johnny Creek CG if I can drive up the Icicle far enough. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Are you talking about Bruce "the ex-devil's tower ranger" Bright? Haven't heard his name in a long time. He was my chemistry teacher at Dewitt high school. It would be interesting to find out how you know him. Small world I guess.
  8. While you're up there at the ice fest you could also take a couple of runs at Mt. Boheima in the Keweenaw. The logging company that owns that land is going to make it very hard for "earn your turns" folks to ski there after the ski area goes belly up (I give it two more years). After a big snow there's legendary tree skiing there, but it might be "illegal" to ski there soon! Watch out for Heki Lunta lurking in the trees though.
  9. Need a partner to ski with from Muir to Paradise this Wed or Thurs. I will pick you up very early from anywhere in the Seattle are and drive - I have a golden eagle pass too. Hope to start climb/skin around 8am from Paradise so early start from Seattle is nec. Should be good snow by the time we're ready to ski down. Could leave after working hours and spend the night in the Paradise parking lot (in my camper) if you can only get one day off. Weather is looking warm and sunny both days. Respond via email at ajjenkin@mtu.edu" target="_blank, include your phone number. Tony
  10. Do you ski? Want to ski from muir to paradise wed or thurs? I will drive and have a golden eagle pass. We can leave seattle early, or leave after working hours and sleep in my camper at the paradise parking lot and wake up early. Just a day trip would be better for me. Respond via email ajjenkin@mtu.edu" target="_blank, include your phone number. Tony
  11. Want to ski from camp muir to paradise tomorrow (6/12) or thurs (6/13). I have a camper on my truck so we could drive there after working hours today or tomorrow, sleep in the paradise parking lot, and wake up early and climb and ski (be back down by 4pm at the latest if we start around 7 or 8 am). I have a golden eagle pass too.
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