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  1. Depending on the age and/or enthusiasm of your kids, I would recommend Hannegan Pass or Skyline Divide. Hannegan Pass is a pretty mellow 3 miles (about 1000 feet) with Ruth Mt. dominating the head of the valley. From camp, you can head up the pass to even better views. Skyline has more elevation gain but you have the advantage of being on Mt. Baker with a great view up the N. flank and across the valley to Shuksan (and nice ridge camping). Weekend rules apply to both.
  2. solid info, thanks bro.
  3. I want to take my sweetie up into the hills to get her interested in climbing/off trail travel. Ruth looks like a good introduction but I have heard various contracictory things about ropin' up on Ruth. For people who have been there, is there any reason to lug a rope? Did you bring one and not use it? We are going in June.
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