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Posts posted by greenfork

  1. If, however, you argue that there wouldn't be as many violent deaths or serious injuries if guns were more difficult to come by, you're self-delusional and, at least in my eyes, probably not the brightest bulb on the marquee.


    Again, the decreased availability of this option would result in decreased severity and lethality of person to person violence.


    So it sounds like you're saying you're not the brightest bulb on the marquee?

  2. any good anthropologist will tell you that there are very few shared concepts of what is right and wrong between different cultures.


    Really! *very* few shared concepts?


    CS Lewis (atheist turned Christian) makes the argument that the incredible similarity of right and wrong across cultures points to proof of a God.


    I don't buy the link, but I think it's one of those things where you can say, "oh, there are striking differences" but also "oh, there are striking similarities"...


  3. don't throw religion in your face.


    Growing up in a conservative Babtist family, all they ever told us was how to convert someone, how to bring up religion in everyday conversations, etc. I was worried all my friends at school would go to Hell. I was convinced Catholics, Muslims, Buddist were all going to Hell and it was my job to get them on "God's side"


    Greenfork, pay attention to the world you live in!! Its all around us!!


    Indeed, Christians are supposed to "make disciples of all nations". So you could argue that Christians who keep to themselves, instead of trying to convert everyone, are in fact sinning.


    You could also argue that living a life true to Christ's word is more likely to positively influence non-believers into living a godly life than is "throwing religion in someone's face" like your baptist friends did.

  4. I used to think exactly like you


    I can say with absolute certainty that that is extremely unlikely.


    Perhaps my statement was too strong, but whatever. I used to have a knee-jerk negative reaction against anything Christian... I was quite prejudiced.


    From what you've posted, you seem the same way.

  5. However, in regards to other issues such as the gay and lesbian community, aboration issues, etc. in the end I believe you will either be accepted into heaven (whatever that is) or not. You will be judged based on how you live your life.


    I thought that the Christian view was that you would be accepted into heaven if you accepted Jesus as your saviour, and truly repented for your sins. Saviour is not earned through actions, but is a gift to be accepted (and so the theory goes... in gratitude for accepting this gift, you will want to live a righteous life).


    On gay/lesbian issue, well I guess you are screwed if you believe the bible word for word and are practising gay - because that means you aren't repenting for your sin.


    OTOH if you believe, much more reasonably, that the bible was written by some people with 2000 year old prejudices and cultural customs, but that the general message is what's important (love your neighbor as yourself, etc...) then you've got a way out.


  6. Granted, not ALL christians believe this...but tens of millions do (if Reverend Ted's former followership is any indication).


    I view Christianity, like any other religion involving dieties, as a cult. As long as it is benign and personal in nature (Christ like, if you will), fine. When it becomes proscriptive to non-believers, as is clearly the case with the anti-gay agenda, or any religious involvement in politics for that matter, that's when it's time to cha cha.


    I don't really know any Christians like that personally. I know they're out there, because I see them on TV, and in the news. I used to think exactly like you, but at some point I learned not to judge everyone by the "actions of many".

    At some point I realized that most of the Christians I know are good people who don't throw religion in your face.



  7. I guess the good Christians keep silent (wait... isn't that what you want??) so all you see are the intolerant outspoken folks.

    If you brand all Christians that way, then haven't you become what you claim to hate?


    You post a picture of followers of "Westboro baptist church" (which is just some dude and his extended family) and tie it to all Christians. Who's ignorant now?

  8. It's kind of the same mentality as those who won't wear "personal flotation devices" or seat belts in their cars.


    Seat belts don't add extra weight and make it more difficult to drive. It is not the same mentality. It is not machismo.


    You are wrong and you don't know what you're talking about. Just try to accept that please.



  9. The upside to all of this is that perhaps this year there will a few less yahoo's climbing up the SS, leaving more room for me!!!


    For your day trip up the SS, don't forget your 5 MREs, shoe polish, toenail clippers, duralogs, and 5 rolls of TP.

  10. ShiniGami, unless you know otherwise, I wouldn't speculate that they were unprepared. Do you know for a fact that they didn't have extra fuel? I don't think so. And fire-starter isn't too useful when you're 5000ft above the last tree.


    I haven't heard anything reported that suggests they were not reasonably prepared. So it is best not to make those accusations now.


    Here's to hoping they find the two remaining climbers alive :brew:

  11. The presidential order to shoot down any further hijacked airliners never reached the fighter pilots who could have carried out the order.


    Hmm... that's weird. In "The Path to 9/11", I seem to recall Dick Cheney is talking with some air force dude via video screen, and who's in contact with the pilots, when Dick gets the message from Bush for shootdown orders.

  12. I would like to remind people to make sure this doesn't happen again.


    Thanks.... for listening and just be more aware


    want people to relize there mistake and not let it happen again.


    What a condescending nag!


    "anonymous coward", I'm glad you want us all to "relize" that someone left some trash on Mt Baker. We'll make sure it won't happen again, ok? We'll be more aware. Sorry! rolleyes.gif

  13. I mean just because we hate dictators that have rape-rooms we really shouldn't go igniting a conflagration that'll end up killing 100,000 people, even though we have the obvious high ground, should we?


    You have a point there, but I don't equate Iraq with the current Israel/Hezbollah situation. Israel is *much* more justified in its current actions than the US ever was for going into Iraq (in my opinion). But that's another argument altogether...


    I suppose numbers come into it at some point. But I don't think of Israel as being wrecklessly murderous right now. Maybe they could be doing a better job preventing civilian deaths. But without being there, it's hard to judge, so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt (especially considering how much civilian deaths hurt Israel's cause).

  14. There isn't any magic number chucK.

    Israel should do what they need to do to achieve their goals, as long as they are exercising reasonable restraint in accidentally killing civilians. Whether they are exercising reasonable caution with regards to civilian casualties is debatable.


    I don't really understand the comparison to the SS... The SS in that case was intentionally targetting civilians in retaliation for one of theirs being killed. That sounds like something islamic fascists do, not Israelis.

  15. Tale of the tape: Lebanon civilian casualties : over 600

    Israeli civilian casualties from the "massive" rocket attacks: 18


    I'd say the response is over the top.


    Hmm... yeah, it would be much better if the numbers were equal. Wars should be fair! Tit for tat. Then it could go on forever!


    Basically, you could argue that if you're winning a war, your response is "over the top".


    (Of course, it certainly isn't apparent that Israel is winning anything here yet...)

  16. Smallshoes, given how much this has hurt Israel's cause, do you really believe that Israel intentionally targetted innocent civilians? Really? Why would they do that?

  17. Add some weight, Viagra and Oxycontin and I'd be talking to Rush! Let's have some good ethnic cleansing of Arabs to protect freedom!


    Well now you're just putting words in valleydude's mouth, aren't you? Who suggested ethnic cleansing? Rush is a moron (well, not a moron I guess - he knows what he's doing, but those who listen/agree with him are morons).


    What valleydude said is basically right. The radical muslim leaders want to convert everyone and kill infidels. There is no denying that.


    hint: islamofascists aren't the loons with nukes,


    Not yet, no. Do you think they will hesitate to use them once (not if) they get them? They'll be able to use them with impunity, because we won't have any obvious target to strike back at. Kind of scary.


    and islamists want to roll back the clock ~1400 years (it's the Christian fundamentalist wackjobs who want to roll back 2000 years)


    nice catch...

  18. Ahh, cj001f, you got it all figured out eh? Why don't you post something with content, instead of just a bunch of emoticons. What do you do when you're debating someone in person? Just stand there and roll your eyes?

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