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Posts posted by Juan

  1. Who did Big Four? Matt Perkins and I tried it last winter, but took too much time climbing the snow-covered rock headwall, and the snow beyond that was deep and mushy. We bailed after about 1,000 of post-holing, at the base of the N. Rib proper, more or less.

    Good effort whomever it was.


  2. Mr. GoodTime has consumed so much tequila in the last three years that he is now simply "Juan."

    Yes, the NE Slab is a snow climb right now. Reasonably secure most of the time. Doug Walker and I did it in a little under 4.5 hours "snow shoes to snow shoes." There were two other parties, the first of which was ahead of us and rapped as one member had lost a crampon at the base (this group was very nice to let us pass -- thank you Nolan and Ryan); the other group followed right behind us, and we saw them reach the N. Ridge when we were back at our snow shoes.

    Go for it, Phil. Good fun. And take a few pitons. You don't need ice screws right now, nor pickets.

    Juan, aka Senior GoodTime

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