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    Seattle, Wa

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  1. Can anyone who has actually BEEN to this crag meet me at the school and lead me to it, I'm willing and going to look I just thought I ask. I'll show you to my crag if you'll show me to yours! Thank you very much! Jeff aka Krustyklimber
  2. I need a partner. I am self employed and can climb on weekdays and weekends. I climb moderate trad, sport climb into the 11's, and like to aid climb, I've been climbing for about 20 yrs. As I'm now in my forties, I can belay longer than I can climb. I don't drive but I can pay for gas, and I usually buy lunch or dinner (your choice). I live in West Seattle, e-mail me if you're interested jeffsavoie@earthlink.net. Jeff
  3. Do you know if the cliff has a name? Or do you just want to name it yourself? Please let me know which it is. Have you found anymore in it's neighborhood? Thanks,Jeff
  4. Just a little more...Howard Hanson Res. Access denied...Tolt Res access denied...Chester Morse Res access denied...The list goes on... I just spoke with my cousin, who's a systems inspector for The City of Everett Dept. ot Water...He said there's no danger of any of the dams failing on they're own, and the reason for the closures ARE related to terrorism, not threat of contamination ubt of blowing up the dams, causing flooding problems, and water and power shortages. Until this threat has been vanquished the only way to Static Point is the way the prospectors went, via the Wallace Railway. Since this no longer exists, you must walk the route, much of it fire roads. This should take about 2 1/2days each way. Jeff
  5. My climbing partner has a brand new Chief for sale. Let me know if your interested. I think he's asking around $175. Jeff
  6. First, Lamebone, I didn't say REI's prices were high Matt did! REI could however possibly have lower prices if it were not for the extra cost of doing business with guys like you and Matt. Not to mention thievery. You infer that because some even more immoral people than you steal it's O.K. for you return items you already got your money's worth out of. That's like saying because someone dumped a truckload of garbage in your yard it's O.K. for me to throw my hamburger wrappers there too! How are you any different than those people you call "yuppies", as if wearing something out and returning it puts you on some higher moral ground than them, in my opinion, your just as wrong. As you said yourself "good brands and shops back up the LIFE OF THEY'RE PRODUCTS", not they're customers. I can see by the number of post you have made,and the ones I've read, you do your own share of slamming on this website. Do you kiss your mother with that dirty mouth? Do you recognize me from some other site? 'Cause I call B.S. there when I see it too!! As for "poor MATTB" didn't he ask for people's opinion on the subject, and what are you his big brother or something? If he had a problem with me that's his business. Disgruntled Former REI Employee (I hate the place, but I'm not going to take anything from there that I don't deserve)Jeff (not afraid to use my own name) Savoie
  7. Maybe the reason REI's prices are high is because LAZY people like you just let REI, a place in which you are probably a member, replace or repair your admittedly worn out old gear. And then you have the NERVE to infer that because the guy/girl (probably my friend) has doubts about the validity of your claim they are idiots, no I think you are an IDIOT for abusing the spirit of the return policy. When my gear legitamately wears out I, being the one who wore it out, go out and earn the money to replace it, instead of making the other members and myself pay for it little by little. Personally I'm tired of buying guys like you new gear, with a surcharge on what I purchase. My divedend would be alot larger without these kind of abuses to the system!!! Jeff
  8. I don't know if this is the right place for this question but here goes. Has anyone done the last two pitches of the aid route University Wall, on the Chief, in Squamish B.C.. I'd like some beta, I heard some horror story of a long hooking traverse with only scary old bolts for protection. Any help would be appreciated.Thanks, Jeff
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