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    Seattle, Washington

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. I was married before I got seriously into climbing. I knew that if I wanted to become the climber I desired to be that I have to have a wife who climbed as well (because not only did I not want to be away from her every weekend, I didn't think that it would be fair to her) . Therefore, when I signed up for my first climbing class, I signed my wife up as well —she wasn’t too happy about this initially, but after she started the class she discovered that she very much liked climbing . She has become an excellent climber who continually helps me to hone my own skills by urging me to climb harder and harder routes—she is a first class belayer and my absolute favorite climbing partner. We completed dozen of routes this past year—just the two of us. That thing about bowling really does suck; I know a guy who traded in his tools for a set of golf clubs—what the hell!
  2. I have the Axars--I like them. Rage--too heavy for my liking. Wasn't the Rage supposed to be the cheap alternative to the Cobra? I wouldn't say that worked out too well. As far as the Axar pick goes--yeah, I'd have to agree that it's not the best out there (G. Machine, BD tools may be slightly better)--but, it's not that bad either. [ 12-19-2001: Message edited by: E. Hobbs ]
  3. I also must say my Yellow Metolius TCU. Found a brand new one stuck half-way up the Saber route on Castle Rock. Added it to my rack and have used it dozens of times. Have subsequently added 4 more TCU to my rack--still like my o'll yeller the best, though.
  4. I was on a climb of Shuksan this past spring when the gully up the summit pyramid was filled with 45 to 50 degree snow/ice. Of nine climbers, 6 decided to climb the gully roped up, placing pickets along the way, creating a kind of half-assed running belay. Took these 6 climber nearly an hour to ascent the gully--I climbed the gully solo in 20 min. In my opinion, if someone on one of the roped teams had fallen, the pickets wouldn't have done shit and all on the rope would have suffered serious injuries. Going solo, not only did I not risk others' health, I was able to keep to a minimum the time I exposed myself to rock/ice fall in the gully. As far as gear, I brought with me two screws, a picket, a few stoppers and cams, and a rope--just in case I came upon a place where I didn't feel comfortable climbing on and maybe didn't want to try and downclimb. The gear I brought with me was minimal and didn't add much weight. [ 12-13-2001: Message edited by: E. Hobbs ] [ 12-13-2001: Message edited by: E. Hobbs ]
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