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Everything posted by quikclimber

  1. have fun, i just went up on friday and it was great. it was my first time up north twin, but i bet ill be doing it a lot more. im a student at western and am always looking for people to climb with. I especially want to check out darrington sometime. send me an email at quikrockclimber@hotmail.com sometime if you want to climb
  2. good ole wilkeson... i was there earlier this spring and parked at the usual gate. i hope they never close that place up
  3. let us know how your trip went!! im goin up next weekend if conditions are good
  4. im a looser..went over and did condorphamine addiction friday evening, a few miltipitches in tumwater saturday morning and lightningh crack and a few others at peshastin on sunday afternoon, but never made it up to the party. hope you all had fun, you should all try rafting of kayaking....thats what i did while it was raining. hope to make it next year.
  5. i went up mt washington last year with a friend in the middle of winter. of course it got dark realley early, while we were just coming down the upper chute, and he forgot his headlamp, and my batteries were almost dead. it was kinda fun sorting our way down the cliff bands and all, since we missed the trail.
  6. if you want to get to wilkeson, ill hook you up with a map. the place is good for beginners but there isnt much hard stuff. alot of the old routes are being rebolted.
  7. went up ellinor friday the 23rd. realley nice day up there. lots of fresh. chute still needs a couple feet before its skiable.
  8. went up washington on sunday. snow starts in the upper basin, pretty thin. really wet. needs more snow. might go up at the end of the month.. rda
  9. I heard there were some trad climbs just off of the enumclaw golf course. anybody been there or have any idea what its like
  10. hey climberbro16, do you live close to the olympics, how about cruiser in a few weeks or more. my climbing buds left for college and have other plans so im screwed for winter climbing in the oly's. let me know
  11. how long is it, im thinking glacier travel with a 3 or 4 man team
  12. where abouts do you live? i need someone to climb with. mostly sport right now, and alpine stuff, looking at mt. cruiser in the olympics. im in gig harbor, so i usually go to exit 38
  13. about Vedavoo, ive been there twice, the place is awesome and the rock is wicked. i didnt use tape and the cracks are lined with crystals, my hands were pretty messed up. i led a 5.4 and a 5.6 over there, they both were way harder than i expected, are the ratings there kinda steep?
  14. thanks guys, this is helping out a bit. ive done the r&d route up icicle, some cracks at little bridge creek, i few easy routes at peshastin, and some long cracks at vedavoo, wy. it seems that the climber following me always has trouble getting gear out, what am i dong wrong? i've never had to leave any, just rappell down my self and get it. all i have now is hexes and nuts, if i have the money should i buy some cams? if so which ones do you reccomend?
  15. ive been climbing sport for way to long. i realley want to get into trad climbing without killing myself. any reccomendations?
  16. I am hoping on doing cruiser and constance before the snow comes this winter. whats the best approach for cruiser for a 1 day climb or a realley short 2 day. is constance climbable with the current snow conditions, and whats the best route. anything would be realley helpful. thanks
  17. hey im only 17, so if you want to go sometime. i have a few other guys my age to go with occasionally(seems they never can go). let me know about cruiser, im gonna try it as soon as i get time.
  18. anybody want to climb in the olympics, im fairly close and need somone to climb with. ive done washington and the brothers. i really want to do cruiser or constance. i have some free weekends this fall
  19. im also game on anything in the olympics, ie: cruiser, the brothers, constance. or anything in the cascades.
  20. Ive been climbing sport for years and i realley want to get into trad without killing myself. ive done some easy leads on trad gear but im looking for a more experienced climber to help me out. i live near gig harbor, usually climb at 38, fossil, leavenworth and vantage, would like to go to index.
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