Originally posted by The Antorganizer:
Tell ya what? The Antorganizer will come to one of your little faggy meetings and then if you want to talk shit you can.
Jman I do believe you can't climb shit so suck my ass pussy.
Antorganizer... wow thats good!!! You must be a real GOOD climber to be able to talk to other people that way! I wonder why the lord blessed us with a person like you, we are truely undeserving. It must be so much fun to be so much better than everyone els. How can you stand yourself. To see god when you look in the mirror thats what its all about now isnt it. If you ever came around here I KNOW what you would do KEEP YOUR SHITHOLE SHUT. My farts smell better than what comes out of your mouth. Now bend over bitch!!!
[This message has been edited by damngunkie (edited 09-06-2001).]