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Everything posted by dwood

  1. For the month of November I’m planning on a road trip hitting as many of the SW climbing areas as possible, snow and time permitting. Looking for anyone that wants to hook up for part or all of Nov. I gravitate towards long free climbs, but would get on some aid routes in the Valley or Zion or wherever. I’m definitely hoping the snow will hold off long enough to climb in the high Sierras before heading to the Valley, Redrock, Indian Creek, Zion, etc. etc. I have wheels and I’m very motivated to climb everything! Please email or post. crackhounds@yahoo.com David Wood
  2. I have an extended vacation for the entire month of Nov. I’d like to do some climbing in all the above-mentioned locations. I’m also interested in hitting Yosemite and Indian Creek. It would be cool to line up partners for the trip, if possible. I’ve got wheels and I’m ready to do some climbing. Love long free climbs. Would also be interested in some big wall climbing too. Screw work and come! Maybe some of the other people posting have overlapping time with me? Post or email: crackhounds@yahoo.com David Wood
  3. Hello, Thinking about doing the full N. Ridge of Stewy, but I'm now wonder if it's feasible from Ingalls creek. With the fires in the Icicle I don't expect the road to Mountaineer's creek to open up anytime soon. Is round tripping it from Ingalls a common approach or even doable for the direct start? How much time do you think it will add if any? Tidbits on other foreseeable obstacles would be appreciated too. Someone said a large cam is fixed in the gendarme. Leave the 4" cam at home or will it see use elsewhere on route?
  4. TimL, Thanks for the info. I’m little confused though, it sounds to me like you’re talking about the approach to the more standard routes off the gully leading up the Burgundy col. The Annie Greensprings Route, according to Beckey, approaches from a separate gully behind (south of) Paisao Pinnacle (not leading to the Burgundy Col). Is this the gully you’re talking about being free of snow? Thanks for any clarification, dwood
  5. It all sounds pretty good to me. Hopefully we'll give it a go this week or next. Thanks, D
  6. Has anyone done the Annie Greensprings route recently? I'm wondering if snow remains in the gully between Burgundy and Paisano? Typically I'd expect to need boots, axe, and maybe crampons to approach and then carry over everything. I'm hoping this late in the season and with the low snow pack the approach gully is now free of snow. You can call me lazy, I'll understand
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