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Posts posted by carolyn

  1. I learn a lot from watching others climb - no matter what their skill or technique level.

    Obviously the best is to climb with some folks who are experienced - then you get the best of both worlds (observation and practice).


    JayB- its interesting you say read books. For me, I have a hard time understanding/applying what I read until I actually get out and watch or do it myself . So I guess whatever your learning style/strength is the way you should go.


    To answer your questions, crazycamper- do what works for you. Ive never been to index, but I kind of envision it as a bunch of climbers pretty focused on their goals for the day (training ground). Maybe shoot on down the road a little further to l'worth and see if you can meet up with some folks. Possibly even smith. I could be wrong, but I see those two areas a little more friendly to striking up conversation, some rides on a rope, and meeting potential partners.


    Have fun!

  2. I just wanted to let you all know that Latte is holding strong.


    A few weeks ago I had to unexpectedly uproot her from her home and put her and myself in a better environment temporarily, until we could get into a permanent place (not something to get into here). She had quite the adventure, as she was exposed to living with another cat in an unfamiliar environment. She attempted to take over immediately by marking the litter boxes and eating the resident cat's food, as well as lounging everywhere and anywhere.


    The new place has a resident cat as well. She stays upstairs most of the time. Latte is so skinny that she fit right through the baby gate to go upstairs, explore, and fight. She then decided she was feeling well enough to jump the gate. Now we have a screen door seperating the upstairs and downstairs. I feel bad for the other cat, because it is apparent that I have raised a spoiled cat who believes every bit of space she can get herself into belongs to her. Yet, it is good to see her feeling well enough to care and defend herself.


    Hopefully someday they will get along - or at least tolerate each other. In general, she is obviously old and creaky, but doing really well - especially under recent circumstances.

  3. Some of the leads can be spicy due to the steep and slick nature of the quartzite and years of toproping, but the rock is solid and takes good gear. Once you climb on DL quartzite the granite in the PNW will feel like cheating.


    Oh- THIS is why I LOVE climbing in the PNW - or anywhere other than the midwest!!!!!!!!





  4. it's where a dumbass clips their daisy chain from front to back under their crotch instead of going around the waist


    Whatever thats the way to go, around the waist..ohh so your daisy is over or under your gear..so when you clip a piece back you actually include the daisy..perfect


    oh wait even better, when you go for a high step you actually put your knee through the loop of the daisy and get stuck..


    this is probably the same as those folks who climb with a gear sling, you either love it or hate it


    I am one of those dumbass climbers - and proud of it! ;)

    I also dont like using gear slings on a climb! My balance is much better when the gear is distributed around my waist.


    Oh ya - being from MN I also like to belay (NOT! :eek:)


  5. actually, now that I think of it - I believe there is a climbers website/bulletinboard that is an offshoot of the park's website.


    Just google Devil's Lake Climbing and you will likely find all the info you need.


    Definately get in touch with Eric, though - as he publishes a lot of the guide books in the Midwest and is very active in the climbing community in Madison.

  6. I think there should be a "Yos reccomended climbs" book by cc.comers!


    I do think Braille Book is a good choice.

    Moby Dick center is duper fine - quick off the road, other routes around it, and superber-ooo grunting....I mean climbing.


    Im really glad I did royal arches. However, I agree with Rad. I think there are much better choices out there if you are only going to be around for a day or so. Go back and kill your curiousity about the route when you have more time.


    Kurt - do you remember the area we climbed one day with super short, single pitch routes, 10ft from the parking lot (not by camp 4), there is a real popular, easy route that seems to be a magnet for classes? I think there is a chimney, a great layback climb, and a few others? Anyway. I think it was during a weekday, but we didnt find enough people there to be in our way. I thought the routes were worth it. Might be a good "half-day" option.

  7. I climbed it a few years ago. We got a topo of the route from that little store in mazama or some building next to it, I think? They had a couple hanging from the door.


    Is the OB base camp still there? You could stop in or call on your way. Im sure they have one - or at least know how to get one.

  8. Yup, Devils Lake. Yes, short. Yes, quality.

    TTT gave you the right link.

    There is not much traffic on that site (on the bulletin board) until Ice season.


    You could contact the owner of the site directly, Eric Landmann ,and he can help steer you in the right direction in regards to the local climbing community (he lives in Madison).


    Regarding Ice (if thats a concern): I think there are some short climbs that form in and around the area (eric would know location and quality). Most folks from around there come up to MN - about 6 hrs to sandstone (drytoolin, some natural and some farmed), 7hrs to duluth area (drytooling, mixed, and some natural). Im not sure how long it takes Eric to get to Candada - probably around 12 hrs either to Nipigon or Sault St Marie area. Also munising is an option (probly bout the same distance). There are people driving up from Madison all the time, so rideshares/partners should be easy.


    Good luck! Let me know if there is any other information I can help you with.



  9. There is a guiding service/lodge at the tower. I think the guys name who owns it is Frank. Sorry, I cant remember the name of the place. Im sure a google search would come up with something. Ive heard great things about him. Im sure he would give you beta and help steer you in the right direction for partners.


    At this point, we are having unseasonably cold weather - including snow. Might be easier to find some ice to climb. ha!


    If you are heading into Michigan via MN/WI, you can always check out the N.Shore. If the weather warms up by the time you leave, it would be a perfect stop. Let me know if you want more info on the area.

  10. Latte has had a great couple weeks since I last took her in and expected to have to put her down within a few days.


    Yesterday she had some bloodwork done. The levels they measure for kidney functioning came back near normal!!!!! Just when we thought the only way she could continue living was on constant IV, she does a complete turn-around!!!!! Her kidney failure was an allergic-like reaction to the meds. The medication company has said this happens on occassion. What a miracle!


    Ive definately learned a lot through this experience and really appreciate her desire to stick around to stalk mice, chirp at the squirrels, and take up over half my bed at night. :tup:


    W00T! :moondance:

  11. ah, Tvash already got me. Just thought I would make him work harder by giving him a few more.


    I think any of the money made off the calendar should be donated to TG for the kegs of beer at Love Fest and Rope Up. Dont hesitate to send some my way for transportation costs to the event. I was sad to miss last year's extravaganzas for the first time.


    Nice job Tvash!

  12. alright, since you are all being so tasteful about this - let me offer a few more (which have always been in my gallery).


    I feel the need to represent the Midwest! N.Shore Lake Superior, Minnesota





    Training is fun!!!



    J-Tree (not looking like I have TR disease)



    Nipigon, Canada



  13. I hope Carolyn doesn't mind. There are lots of pictures of her in the gallery.


    Here's one of her looking tough.


    No worries, kurt.

    personally, I think the latest photo I posted of myself is the hottest! :lmao:


    I sure hope those ladies included in this project get some royalties from this. I could use some money to get my ass out there.

  14. you'd need to be willing to drive a wooden stake through her heart in order to stop her


    either that or finish this case of beer. Then maybe I will at least understand what she is saying!

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