People, people, people! Let us not forget that our experiences in the hills are supposed to be shared in a joyful manner. I was in the party with airmoss, who successfully summited via the Kautz route. I am a first time veteran of the rock and I must say it was the most fantastic experience of my 37 years. By no means should I consider myself a mountain climbing veteran, but I know one thing for certain, getting an alpine start on summit day, means the middle of the night. We began our summit ascent @ 1:00 am from 11k to ensure the stability of the cliffs and the ice chute, both on the way up and the way down and experienced no trouble whatsoever. In defense of airmoss, it is true that our experience (and maybe our only opportunity this year) was almost ruined by Drederek and his party's late arrival from the summit, when the ice cliffs were dropping truck size chunks into the garbage chute seemingly every few minutes. For about an hour while they were descending, I was virtually certain that we were going to have to rescue these boys! Let's all come to an understanding on something people, sometimes the truth hurts! Please don't be so sensitive! Climb on!