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Posts posted by roboclimber

  1. Mike,


    Good data to consider. I'll keep an eye on the snow melt. Bedal Creek trail may be an alternative, but I don't really know the area very well. Do you have any suggestions?

  2. Hey, Off White


    It sounds like you may have climbed Mnt Ellinor. [big Grin] . Just joking fellow Teninoite. Man the Olympics are indeed a brushy mess of upliffed oceanic rock with a mossy covering but it's Americas' last great least understood mountaineering mecca, don't you agree!! The area does have a couple dozen worthwhile objectives, you just have to bushwack for days to get to them.

  3. Dito to Norman Clydes note. I climbed the Northwest Ridge solo with no problems. Yes there is a lot of loose basalt without a snow cover but I don't think you will see too much bare rock now. Not much exposure to speak of there. Are you going to approach via Killen Creek? I'm not sure of the road conditions, but that may be your biggest obstacle. Good luck, have fun and leave early to take advantage of the hard snow.

  4. The OPCG is only a general reference guide. It can get you pretty close to the objective, but a little detective work never hurts. USGS maps at 1:24,000 scale work well if you have never been somewhere before. Now if you go with someone who has already been to a specific place then that is the best option. A lot of the routes up mountains, I recon'ed on my own. It's fun bushwacking through the devils club and century old blow downs on steep slippery slopes. Not! However it does build character and a knowledge of wilderness terrain. Anyway, a couple of my buddies and I were fumbling around on the Eastern Slopes of Mnt Washington via the Jefferson Pass trail trying to summit. I thought it would be a walk in the park. Just do it kind of thing. I had no map or guide. Stupid! I definitely underestimated the Olympic Range again. The route up there kind of petered out into class 4/5 steep wet moss covered crumbly basalt. I didn't find any apparent safe route and I was wishing I had some charcoal rendition with some verbage for this route, and so in defense of the OPCG any guide is better than no guide.


    [ 06-05-2002, 04:15 PM: Message edited by: roboclimber ]

  5. Turn_one, the Jefferson Pass trail to Mnt Washington was very interesting. Nice view from the ridge. Next time on Washington I'll do the other trail head. I would like to go back to Jefferon Pass later in the summer with more rope, pro and and earlier start. I would like to crack a route up there. Later dude!

  6. I heard the Ringling Bros Circus will be at Panarama Point and a Boy Scout Jamboree at Camp Muir. Also this weekend will be the first annual Mothers against drunk climbers ballon race. It will be flying over Mount Rainier. The Mothers will be dropping free Gatorade to all the climbers. Other than this it won't be too busy.

    Have Fun. [Roll Eyes]


    [ 04-15-2002, 12:50 PM: Message edited by: roboclimber ]

  7. I learned the ropes back in Montana when I lived on the East side of Glacier National Park. The only climbing gear I had back then was a vintage ice axe with a wooden shaft. The first time I climbed on snow and ice (solo)was on the Little Matterhorn in the park. I didn't know what the #@*& I was doing. It all seemed to come natural. I started cutting steps in the ice and inched my way to the top. I was scared shitless the whole time. I didn't even enjoy the wonderful view because I wanted to get down in one piece. But it was a learning experience. I started to read up on snow and ice pro, crampons, different rope types and knots. I found like minded people who loved the mountain like me for climbing partners. I guess if you don't want to drop the cash, find a mentor friend to show you the ropes. Go to the field a lot, find your limits and have plenty of fun, oh yea don't forget your shades and sunscreen. Good luck.. [big Drink]

  8. I have to apologize for posting the wrong climb date for Mount Pershing climb. The new date is 5/11/02. One week before the 22nd anniversary of the eruption of Mnt. St Helens. Lots of things are going on in my life. I got ski patrol medical training during the 5/18/02 time frame so I moved the climb up one weekend. Thanks go out to Kevin Page, one of the pioneers of this region for the good data on this area. Thanks, Kevin best data so far. I'll definitely give you a field report when I get back.


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