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Everything posted by viktor
my guess is no traffic never was cleaned in the first place perhaps an ambitious citizen can resurrect it. It is a cool line. Likely needs modern anchors above and below
Books should be ready around May 1st. Pre-orders are now being taken https://www.leavenworthrock.com/
Looking for info, photos and any worthy input for the new book due out in 2018 Thanks, -Viktor
of course not, just my personal opinion I'm just partial to climbing on clean rock I think it's weak sauce to expect "traffic to do the rest" and while we're on the topic, does this make sense?: "We installed the bolts to encourage more traffic to try it"
as clean as you could? if you're not willing to finish the job, why start?
Looking for a web designer to upgrade and repair my hacked site pm me if interested -Viktor
Just when you think you've seen it all. Went up to check out a new cragging spot in the Icicle and encountered an odd scene. A bunch of Russian climbers from Seattle were having an "event". Speed climbing with about 20-30 members. They had duct taped flagging tape to mark the routes and were zipping up and down. We decided to move on to an upper crag. We thought it was funny and figured to each his own. Problem came later when the route developers went up there the next day. The speed climbers had removed all their stuff, except for numerous, flagrant, giant PAINT MARKS on and around major holds and features. Needless to say, these guys were flabbergasted and freaked out. They intend to remove the paint but I think the people responsible should be the ones to do that. It is flat out vandalism and cannot be ignored. It is disturbing to think that at least 20 or 30 people climbing in the Icicle last weekend think it is acceptable. What do you think? (Unfortunately, I am unable to upload the pics of the paint marks for some reason, if someone can help me that, that would be great)
End of March. Check here for updates or to reserve your copy. www.leavenworthrockclimbing.com
3rd Edition is in the works. Seeking info on new routes and other relevant info. Also need scenic and action photos. thanks to all -Viktor
Probably not yours, but sunday I saw a note: found camera with phone no. etc. identify make etc. attached to the gate at the rusty bridge pullout in the Tumwater. (The Beach) Doubt it helps but you never know.
I spent a week in the Canadian Rockies backcountry with Hans in the 70s. We climbed a half dozen virgin peaks with Margaret and others. I was profoundly influenced by his attitude of enjoying the mountains, his cool demeanor and hilarious campfire tales. He took us to meet Edward Feuz jr. in 1977 when he was like 94, an unforgettable experience. It's sad to hear of Hans' passing at such a young age.
Needle Spoon & Dike Route, both excellent Darth Vader's Revenge, drawer-soiling runout Fingertips, super-squeaky friction brings back memories...
So some worthless arsehole stripped the bolts, hangers and chains from the Paco/Zorro routes on Small World Buttress. WTF? Although the guidebook claims you can walk-off the top, it seems incorrect as I was told anyone grabbing that stuff would have to rappel into it. Anyway, this realy sucks and it's a kick in the groin to all the generous folks that put their time and money into working out new routes. I'd like to hear the justification for this. Anti-bolting terrorists or what?
Zap Crack, 5.5 or so Please don't chain those routes. There are plenty of climbs that need them, but not those. I have a list if you're motivated to help.
Gerbil Jive, 5.10
I heard there are 2 bolted 5.9s to the right of Love Donut
are these people pirates? I bought a 4-pack of corn on the cob there for $3.59. That's almost a buccaneer!
FWIW, the red Beckey/Bjornstad guide - 1965 Carlstad/Brooks (white cover) - 1976
at minerva crag. pm me if they're yours.
I'd have to say Goat Dome, by far, fits the criteria you're looking for. There are 9 or 10 slab climbs (5.10/11) whose anchors can be accessed by a simple scramble. Excellent rock and you'll be alone. You can even scramble to the top of the stellar first pitch of Knobs of Shame (5.10a) and TR Dick is Dead as well. I would start at the Great Outdoors belay on the right. You can TR the 3 5.10s from that anchor alone.
this weekend, check out my garage sale, some outdoor gear, skis, tools, guidebooks, etc. 12596 Shore St., off Icicle Rd. Sat. only
road closed at 8-mile campground, evacuating everyone beyond that. Apparently lightning caused near Ida Creek
The Icicle is massively burning right now. I'd post a picture but all I see is smoke, lotsa smoke.
sorry to hear about this... http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2001885130_bikeride22m.html
did this route and straight street on duty dome the other day and noticed the guidebook doesn't mention that you need a piece of gear after the last bolt (or 20+ feet runount on sandy rock. bring a 2" cam or so for the sandy crack.