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  1. steveo

    Climbing Ethics

    what is your guys story. Who cares? What a lame topic, all you loosers need to start worrying about your own climbing and get out of you little climbing gyms, take the bumper stickers off your cars, leave your nalgene bottles for your packs and not coffe at the office, stop trying to look outdoors on the street with all your outdoor wear, and really go climb something it might change your outlook alittle on what getting out and enjoying the outdoors is all about. Why is it that you guys need to belong to something to feel cool, need an image, need to be cool, need to pretend you didn't get you little asses kick everyday of your school life. Now you have something cool, hardcore to associate yourselfs to. loosers! Why dont you just leave everyone else alone and worry about yourselfs. I just try to find a site to get conditions and route info. But no never can. Because every time one is created it is over ran by punk little bitches like you. Climbing isn't any more hardcore that racketball or biking. In fact i know more people hurt running that climbing. Just chill and go climb for once and you might find that everyone does it for themselves that really climb not for image, CHICKS, glory, or self esteem. They do it for themselves and that is good enough. You will find that pulling on plastic holds in the gym is the place for that.
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