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The apocalypse without the "end of the world";: Christ did not have enough saved

After the predicted or announced "end of the world", which, by the way, the well-known Christian fundamentalist and preacher Harold Camping predicted to the population of the Earth on May 21, did not materialize, the curious have a natural question: how do all these predictors manage to stay afloat and keep their flock?

The answer to it, the online popular science publication LiveScience notes, is known by psychologists and experts in the field of religion.

The fact is that no later than last week, an 89-year-old Camper, at the head of a small but convinced army of followers, insisted that it was on May 21, according to the high providence and calculations of the preacher himself, that the Lord would take about 2% of the respectable inhabitants of the planet with him to paradise, and after 5 months will destroy the world with fire.

Well, here, the blunder came out – it didn't happen.

However, as psychologists and experts in the study of religions emphasize, the non-materialized "end of the world" does not at all mean "the end" for the "prophet", although some difficulties in further "work" of this kind are not excluded.

So, as one of the "free" tips for the same Camping to get out of a difficult situation after the apocalypse did not take place, Stephen Kent, a sociologist from the University of Alberta (Canada), offers such a judgment.

For example, those who prophesied the "end of the world", he says, and the "end" did not come true, can, for example, say that society has not yet "prepared".

They say that Jesus Christ felt that not enough people were worthy of salvation and ascension to heaven within the specified time.

"Therefore, we preachers must continue to work tirelessly and convert more and more followers to the true faith."

True, sociologist Kent knows, from time to time certain leaders of religious sects professing the Day of the Last Judgment admit that they were mistaken.

In this regard, they are ready to redouble their efforts in this direction.

However, there are often people and groups ready to offer explanations that save the so-called "face" of the failed prophets.

In addition, some groups are taken to blame themselves, proving that the unfulfilled prophecy is nothing but evidence of their own lack of faith.

If a Doomsday group has a strong leader, then such a community, as a rule, survives, continues the theme of Lorenzo DiTomasso, professor of religion at Concordia University in Montreal (Canada).

On the other hand, sometimes some similar groups break up.

Most often, explanations are made to the effect that, they say, the prophecy was correct, but its interpretation failed.

So, in 1994, the same Campsite predicted the end of the world in September, but still left this statement with a question mark.

Since then, the preacher explained his thwarted prediction with an incorrect understanding of the "root biblical idea", however, later he became convinced that his conviction in the correctness of the prophecy regarding 2011 had "greatly strengthened".

According to other experts, the sustainability of the Doomsday group depends on its structure.

The more people in the group have contacts with the outside world, the higher the chances that believers will look less at their leader, in this case, at Camping, as the "herald of God on Earth".

In other words, information control is the most important part of the mind control process.

As the experience of some experts shows, after the failure of another prophecy, about a third of followers lose faith and illusions.

The other third, on the contrary, strikes even more into faith, finding some deep reasons for this.

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