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Hwy 542, anything, Ruth and Icy, Tomyhoi or Larabe


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I'm looking for a partner to carpool down to Mt. Adams from Seattle this Thursday night. Will be going for the South Spur in one day. Perhaps going for hood on Sunday, or just come home. Am also open to doing Shuksan in one or two days. Plark42 is going to come up from portland to do either mountain. Mountain and routes are negotiable. Just looking to do some good climbing.


Adams is nice because we wouldn't need a rope, harness, pickets/pulleys, etc.


Two strong climbers. Probably either:


Adams (south spur)


Shuksan (sulphide),


Hood (south side, conditions don't look to good),


Baker (Easton, just did c-d),


Little Tahoma (whitman),


Or another mountain that sounds good.



Don't be shy this is coming up pretty quick. Plark42 (Marc) and I are both easy going, safety conscious climbers. Ready to go, let's do it.




(206) 412-7001

Edited by Alpine_Junky
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come on you pansy. no rainier??!!

i am healing from a shattered leg, i have tendonitis in my knee and i am probably at least 60 pounds (of fat) bigger than you and i climbed it just fine. its like baker was, but longer and more rockfall danger. and there are some good sketchy snow bridges and big steps over crevasses on the DC route that will get your heart pumping a little bit. the best part is that you will probably actually get a reply from your post if you say that you need a partner for rainier. PS, if you do, do DC, like i said before i hear that emmons has a really bad approach that sucks a lot.

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