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Feb 24-26 alpine partners / route suggestions?


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I'm new to the PNW and am hoping to climb some ice or alpine (Baker, Leavenworth, Snoqualmie) this weekend. I'm a more experienced ice cragger than alpine climber so would hope to find someone familiar with a particular area or route and avoid an epic! Got the gear, good ropework, decent climbing skills for the moderates, but need a partner, because my gri-gri keeps slapping me in the balls. Thanks!

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I'm moving to Redmond tomorrow for the next few months. Been Living in Jackson, WY for ten years. I am just getting into ice climbing over the past two seasons. comfortable following WI 3/4. I have yet to lead ice. I know you are looking for someone more experienced but if there is an approachable ice crag we can avoid the epic :)

I'm bringing my AT set up so skinning in to something isn't a problem.

Let me know if you are interested in meeting up.


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