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Washington Pass snowpack estimates


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Just received from Jeff Adamson at WSDOT:


Hi all,


The web pages have been updated with another postponement:


SR 20 - Maintenance and Avalanche crews hoped to do an assessment of the North Cascades Highway on Mon., Mar. 14 to determine how soon work can begin to reopen the highway. More new snow has postponed the trip again, to no sooner than this Thurs., Mar.17.

The avalanche crew was up on Stevens pass doing avalanche control until about 6 a.m. this morning and with the forecast snow on the way, they expect to be doing avalanche control again on Wednesday.


There's a window of cold/dry weather Thursday afternoon to Friday, so sometime on Wednesday I should hear whether they can make the assessment trip Thursday. It looks like there's more snow coming on the weekend, but we're hoping that will be the last (significant) blast of winter.


On Stevens, we got a foot of new for the 24 hours ending at 6, this morning. We're getting the 4" forecast for today, right now and there's another 8" forecast overnight. We've gotten 160" (13+ feet) of snow at Stevens in just the last 4 weeks, which is a third of the snow total for the entire season (since Nov.) It's likely that the North Cascades has accumulated a similar amount. Last Thursday a snowmobiler estimated the snow on the pavement at Washington Pass at between 10 and 11 feet deep - and we've had at least 2 more feet fall since then...


Stay tuned! Hope to have something positive to pass along Wednesday.


Jeff Adamson adamsoj@wsdot.wa.gov 509.667.2815



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