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Hey musicians, reminder, bring them sticks if you are in red rocks/j-tree/wherever over xmas. Great times were had last X-mas in J-tree by those possessed of their drums, banjos, harps and sundry others. I am in Redrocks this break and will offer beer or astringent white "wine" to anybody who pulls up at my fire with an instrument and some energy...listen for the sound of hacking at mandolin. (This means you, Trout Man)

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I'll be looking you up for sure, should be in red rocks by end of this week. Jessica the violinist (from last xmas) will be down as well again, and I'll have my "A" blues harp. I hope to also be bringing a guitar player, though I've not heard her play.


She wasn't sure what a 12 bar blues progression was, but swears she can play anything...and she climbs!


My buddy Paul B. has been in red rocks for about 3 weeks now, living out of his car and climbing everyday. Talked to him on phone yesterday and he said there is 5 inches of snow and it sucks. But the 10 day forecast looks much better, 40's to 50's for temps and clear skies. And that good weather starts Saturday, when we plan to arrive. Hope to hit Jtree as well towards new years. See you there!

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