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[TR] Snoqualmie Mountain (where is all the snow??) - 12/6/2008

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Trip: Snoqualmie Mountain (where is all the snow??) -


Date: 12/6/2008


Trip Report:

Saturday turned into one of those days where I just had to get out, but where I lacked the motivation to get up early or investigate what type of conditions we might run into. My friends and I lazily packed and hit the road by noon.

"Helmet?" Yep, "Harness?" Sure, "Ice Ax? Tools?" Why not, "Winter clothes?" Most definitely.

As the splendid I-90 corridor unfolded its peaks before us, I noted that Si's haystack appeared quite naked. The range of the snoqualmie "five thousanders" gave little sign that winter had visited the Cascades. With beautiful blue skies and mild temps, I was beginning to wonder if a light rack and rock shoes might have been more appropriate than handwarmers and a puffy.

We rolled into the alpental parking lot, Guye Peak's west face gleaming in the sunlight




Chilling as it was to drive up to the pass and discover a complete absence of snow or ice, I wagered our shock was slight compared to the frustration and agony of skiers and snowboarders. Damn global warming!

Caught in cimbing limbo now - no ice, yet not prepared for rock. What to do? To the top of Snoqalmie Mountain we go!


Blitzer leading the trail


Chair Peak Massif




About 3/4 the way up the trail, we finally hit crusted snow from a few weeks previous. Hot and tired, the dog cheerfully rolled around to cool himself off



Snow Lake



As we looked northward, the snows took a greater hold on the mountains. The Lemah/Chimney Rock Massifs, always dark and mysterious. Anyone recommend good winter lines on either?


Summit shot


Nice stroll up a local classic - 3 1/2 hours round trip. Don't sweat the snowshoes just yet, but rumor is we are supposed to get more snow up there tonight. All three hiking partners were excellent. As always, my imagination is fueled from gazing toward the direction of the "Snoqualmie Pickets". I hope to hike back in there before the snows unleash and check out any cool winter climbing






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