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Climbing companion for gym and outdoor climbing


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I realize that I can just go to the gym and hope to meet some folks to climb with, but sadly, I find the prospect of going to a gym solo somewhat intimidating.


I'm a beginner and would like to find a regular climbing partner for gym climbing weekday evenings and hopefully off to Smith/Washington/wherever on weekends. Ideally would like to find someone who can lead above a 5.9 (trad/sport, doesn't matter) and is willing to patiently climb with a beginner. Just started climbing early last year, and when I was climbing regularly, I was able to comfortably do 5.9s and V1s, but not having climbed since the summer, I'm probably back down to 5.7s/VBs. I live in Portland and work in Hillsboro. I haven't signed up for any gym yet and am open to going to any gym.


I hope this forum is for postings like these?

Edited by namunyak
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Since you work on the west side, I'd recommend going to Stoneworks. They're a little smaller and a very beginner-friendly environment.

Just go there on weekday evenings, around 7:00ish, and there will be plenty of friendly staff & climbers around to help you out.

If you have gear, just get one of their 5- or 10-time passes, or if you don't have your own harness/shoes yet, then take their Intro course, because you'll get a free month membership & gear rentals with it.

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I forgot about Stoneworks; thanks for the tip. The passes sound like a good deal.


What I'd really like is to climb outdoors (and camp) in the spring/summer. But it's probably a good idea to climb with someone indoor first to get to know each other before venturing out on some out-of-town weekend excursion.


I'd love to make some new climbing partners, male or female - doesn't matter, but preferably in a similar situation as me. I'm female, early 30s, a professional in the computing industry, live in Portland but am willing to go anywhere within a reasonable driving distance most weekends.

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