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Logging blockade on Incomappleux River in BC


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The other day, while out in the bush exploring access for a climb, I met Eloise Charet, who TIME named the 1999 Hero for The Planet http://www.time.com/time/reports/environment/heroes/heroesgallery/0,2967,charet,00.html I spent time with her the other day and listened to many stories dating from her time spent with Mother Teresa to her recent 55 day hunger strike for clean water.


She and others are blocking road access to delay Pope & Talbot Timber in roadbuilding. Between 1984 and 1991 they removed 98% of the old growth in the Incommappleux River valley. Many of these ancient cedars were dated between 1500 & 2000 years old. This area is just south of Glacier National Park and southeast of Revelstoke National Park. It is an amazing place that draws me back year after year to pass through its forests and explore its mountains. Parks Canada is considering adding this area to the existing park land. Habitat decimation outside the park boundaries has had obvious detrimental effects on the local caribou population not to mention a host of other issues.


Pope & Talbot (a Portland Oregon based Timber Company) now plans on removing the remnant of old growth in the valley, the last 2%. They do not want this news getting out and for obvious reasons hope to quietly move forward with roadbuilding before the snow flies this fall so the can begin logging next season. Meanwhile others (like Heny Hutler who has spent extensive time in the hills and has worked with friends in the past on such issues; two of his close friends were responsible for the creation of Valhalla Provincial Park and Pat from Mountain Hostel who spent years cycle touring the world, was one of the early visitors to Vietnam in the 80's when their doors were reopened ... and instead of flying in, he biked in from China- in the past few years he constructed Mountain Hostel, venturing in on skis during the winter to make his dream reality) are working to block this action and protect what's left of the ancient cedars.


For a better idea of the area check out the Mountain Hostel website. It shows a map and photos from the valley. Pat has satellite internet and can give you an up to date picture of what's going on; he can be reached via e-mail: info at mountainhostel.ca Keep his place in mind as a ski stop for winter touring in the area; you can arrive there without a pack!




The Kootenay Mountain Caribou Campaign informational flier is here:




The clear-cut valley was a devestating sight, and it was heartening to finally drive the road through to a point where old-growth still remained. To know that those ancient cedars were scheduled for cutting, like all of the other trees in that valley, was truly saddening.


The people at the blockade, especially Eloise, risk much trying to prevent Pope and Talbot from returning and need all the support they can get. Contact the campaign coordinators listed if you can help directly:


Tom Prior - tomprior@telus.net


West Kootenay EcoSociety - eco@kics.bc.ca


and the government and industry leaders to show your concern over the issue at hand:


Kevin Jardine - BC's species at risk coordinator - kevin_jardine@gems8.gov.bc.ca


Larry Peitzsche - Arrow Lakes Forest District - larry.peitzsche@gems2.gov.bc.ca


Shane Bowden - BC Timber Sales - shane.Bowden@gems8.gov.bc.ca


Geoff Bekker - Pope and Talbot Logging Co. - geoff_bekker@poptal.com


Rob McRory - Kootenay Lake Forest District - rob.mcrory@gems5.gov.bc.ca


Cam Leitch - pope and Talbot Logging co. - cam_leitch@poptal.com

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