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Everything posted by CaysonM

  1. Thanks for the info. what places would you recommend for self arrest and crevasse rescue practice? I will be located in Bellingham. I've watched a few different YouTube videos on crevasse rescue and my rope/pulley systems are pretty dialed from big wall climbing. But yeah no actual training yet.
  2. Going to be returning home to Washington soon after 4 long years in California. A friend of mine recently gave me some mountaineering gear (boots, crampons, axe). I didn't climb when I grew up in Washington and I'm really stoked to get out in the Cascades. I was thinking fisher chimneys, Eldorado peak, west ridge Forbidden peak and maybe something on Rainier this summer. I haven't really climbed any snow or ice but I've done a decent amount of long alpine rock climbs/traverses in the Sierra.
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