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Posts posted by lbloom1864

  1. Hi all, I'm debating between Shasta and hood this weekend and was wondering if anyone had recent reports on the conditions of the west face of hood? Id love to finally knock this mountain out but really don't want to join the crowds going through the old chute on the standard route. It's a bit late in the year for the leuthold route but we did just get snow last weekend do maybe it's still in? 

  2. Just an fyi that the road up to the trailhead is still pretty bad. My friend and I tried it in his honda element and got stuck in a nasty combination of snow/mud and almost slid into a ditch! That was two weeks ago so maybe its cleared up by now? But just be prepared to maybe have to bail. We ducked out and did mount bailey just to the south and had a blast!

  3. Hi l, I've just finally moved to bend Oregon and am looking for partners to start pushing grades/routes on. I've done a bunch of standard routes such as the Emmons on Rainer, baker,. Glacier peak, shuksan,  middle sister and the like but would love to find som le people to start doing harder and steeper snow climbs with. I'm eying ascents of liberty ridge and the north face of shuksan in the future but would like to work with some people towards that goal. I'm in solid physical shape, able to do three thousand feet plus of elevation in three hours with 35 pounds all while postholing through snow, and intend to keep up training as the months pass by. If your anywhere in the 

    PCNW and want to get some peaks in, send me a message! 

  4. Hi all, I have some time on my hands with practically no responsibilities until mid September or so and would love to get out and do some climbing/mountaineering in the pacific northwest. I am currently based out of Vancouver Island, but can be wherever you are within a day or so. About me: I'm a reasonably fit 25 year old male with a moderate amount of peak bagging experience in the Rockies and cascades including several low class five climbs(liberty bells and a few others I can't remember) along with numerous class three and four scrambles of peaks. I also summitted mount baker last year with the American Alpine Institute while taking their alpine leadership course(it was a 14 day course that had me learning how to rope up and lead teams on glaciers and all that jazz). I also have a fair amount of rock climbing experience, though no trad leading, but am sorta out of shape due to a persistently aggravated right arm that doesn't like me climbing harder than 5.10 b or c. Right now, I can follow you up to 5.10a, but can't promise anything beyond.(This issue is progressively getting better, I just want you to be aware of my limitations.) Finally, I ran my college's outdoor program and have an extensive amount of experience backpacking, navigating in the woods and all that fun stuff. I am travelling with my own 70m dry rope, ice axe, helmet, crampons, boots, harness etc etc. If you're still reading at thing point and want to invite me out to do some climbing with you, please don't hesitate, I'm open for any and all suggestions! Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

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