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Brandon Berg

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About Brandon Berg

  • Birthday 12/06/1983

Brandon Berg's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. I recently attempted Mt. Adams with a partner and got shutdown due to fitness and equipment concerns. I learned a lot in the process but it was all snow shoeing up hill. Didn't use ice tools or crampons at all. I am looking to learn basic snow movement and ice tool techniques. Text me at 206-384-1713 if anyone is interested in teaching a person who is new to this snow and ice game. Have all the equipment necessary, crampons, helmet, ice tools.
  2. Yeah your right. Might you suggest an even more modest climb in the Cascades. My background is fair weather rock climbing in the Southeast, so weather and definitely snow is not a huge concern most of the time. Theres a lot to learn out here. I need to dial it back and start with small goals that build upon each other before I try something as big as this, especially in winter. Thanks
  3. I appreciate the concern. As far as planning goes I have been watching the weather for the last week and its turning favorable from the 24-26. I also completed a AIRES 1 course this last weekend. While this doesn't make me an expert it gives me more knowledge and tools to work with. I have also been mapping the route on AVANET and Caltopo and watching the avalanche bulletin for the southeast Cascades. If I'm missing anything I'm all ears and would love to learn more.
  4. Looking for a partner to climb Mt Adams on xmas. The weather looks pretty good. I've never climbed a big mountain like this before but have all the gear except a 2 man bivy or mountaineering tent, crampons, and an ice axe. Was wanting to do the South Climb route as it seems to be a relatively non technical route up the mountain. I propose to leave xmas eve night camp at the snow park outside of Trout Lake. Snowshoe and climb into the Lunch Counter xmas day. Then summit and return to the vehicles on the 26th. If that sounds like a plan anyone would be a part of call or text me at 206-384-1713.
  5. I signed up for the AIARE 1 avalanche course that starts tonight and runs through Sunday. I am in need of a snow shovel, avalanche beacon, and snow probe. I know this is short notice but I was hoping to borrow one for 3 days. I would be eternally grateful and you would receive a 6 pack of your choice. I can be reached at 206-384-1713. Call or text me. Ive been climbing in the South East for the last two years and everyone down there is amazing, lets see if the PNW has the same generosity. P.S. I know it has more I'm from here.
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