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About markgal26

  • Birthday 02/26/1977

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. sounds good, thanks to you both. Fernow is on my hit list for this weekend!
  2. Awesome, I appreciate the guidance! Last question, promise :-) What do you think of the brothers / south col in olympic national forest?
  3. If you are still around, quick question: I'm from the northeast and looking to get out in the mountains (solo unfortunately, don't really know anyone in the area). What do you think of Fernow vs Stuart? Looking for scrambling, snow slopes if possible, 1 or 2 days is fine.. trying to avoid glacier travel of course. Thanks!
  4. Would you say axe/crampons are not needed at all if you were to go up and down the cascadian couloir? likely heading up there solo this weekend. Great trip report! really want to get out on the north ridge
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