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Posts posted by Seymour22688

  1. Alright we made our attempt yesterday with no success we went with crampons and should have takin snow shoes!! It was very warm and the snow was soft sunk into our hip a lot so we where soaked which is fine for a day hike but we called it off overnight. We each had a pack with 50ish pounds so we sweated profusely. We called it off at panorama point. We have decided to skip the overnight more conditioning needed for that type of weight and will reattempt a bike for the day with snow shoes and less weight. We still had a lot of fun but where dissapointed none the less. My friend ended up falling down a steep hill about 30feet and had to climb up each step leaving him barrier to his hip in snow! Yesterday would have been a great day to do it a little earlier in the day before it got so warm. I will post update again after our next attempt!

  2. Alright not a huge undertaking but I have some rookie questions. I'm planning a comb for late April early May. Snow pants ski coat mre's some other food a mummy sleeping bag and a two man mountaineerin tent and a deck of cards. What else is required or recommended for an overnight at muir? Second question I am in good shape active gym rat with tons of high intensity cardio. I have done a climb to muir before when I was not in as good of shape but I live at sea level is an overnight dangerous from zero to 10,000 in one day. I have lived at altitudes orotund 7,000 for months at a time without anything but being short of breath. Thanks for your help.



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