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Posts posted by paisajero

  1. Hi Jay.


    I just moved to Salem and I'm looking to go climb volcanoes as much as possible during the next month or so. I have 3-day weekends every other week. I'm not a huge skier, but I am very comfortable in the mountains and I just got a spring deal on a pair of used teles that I'm hoping to try out in the coming weeks. I definitely have Adams and South Sister on my radar screen, but I'm open to other ideas. Let me know what you think...



  2. Hi Kevin.


    I might be interested in partnering up later this summer. I recently moved to Salem after many years of splitting my time between Argentina and California. I would definitely be interested in Jefferson or Washington or Three Fingered Jack. I am especially looking for a partner for Jefferson, as I may end up soloing the other two before you get here. I am certainly interested in all of the other mountains that you have mentioned, but I would have to study up on some of the routes, I suspect many of them would be rather ambitious for me at this time.


    I have considerable solo alpine scrambling experience and basic rock & snow skills. I'm right at the level where I need to start carrying a second tool because I'm pushing the limits of what I can do with a single ice axe. Similarly, I've done several glacier climbs by myself, but it's time to start being responsible and traveling with a partner in more complex terrain. I have a rope and a light alpine rack.


    Anyway, let me know what you think as the dates get closer...



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