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Posts posted by ZuluZephyr

  1. The main issue you will find while jugging with a grigri back up is that the lower ascender will tend to have issues sliding up the rope, this is because there is little or no rope weight pulling down allowing for a taut rope that easily allows the cam of the ascender to un-engage during that upward slide. The solution to this is learning to pull the cam trigger to manual un-engage the ascender cam for each upward stroke. The benefits of jugging with a grigri as a backup over any other device is that you are already set up to perform tasks during clean such as a lower out aka ducey or if you needed to repel down to help assist with a stuck haul bag or such.


    Using a grigri in the jugging system is also paramount while rejugging to the high point after taking a leader fall. In this case the grigri is only used with one ascender and your weight is always loaded on the grigri rather than the ascender. Why would you want this? So if/when the high point gear that caught your fall blows while ascending you don’t take a fall onto the toothed cam of your jugs… leading to the chop.


    This is big wall/ aid crap, not sure if that’s what your looking for.


    I could continue to elaborate why the grigri is the tool of choice in these situations if you all wish.


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