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Greg V

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About Greg V

  • Birthday 04/19/1986

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. I'm planning a climb on the Emmons route of Rainier. Our party size is 3 right now and we're all experienced climbers in the puget sound area. We're planning on climbing Emmons at the end of June. Dates are TBD depending on what the weather looks like. We'd love to add 1 or 2 more people to the climb. Climbers should be experienced and flexible with dates, and ideally available for a hike or 2 with us prior to the climb one of the upcoming weekends. email me at gvogel_mathwsu@yahoo.com if you're interested!
  2. Anybody in the greater puget sound area interested in climbing Rainier this summer. I'm an experienced climber and I'd like to find some experienced partners to climb either D.C, Emmons or Kautz up Rainier this summer. I'd prefer for puget sound areas so we can do some local hikes together to build a report together before the climb, and have the flexibility to go when we can get a permit and when the weather is good. email me at gvogel_mathwsu@yahoo.com
  3. I'm looking to add 1 more person for a Mount Shuksan climb either the 13-14 of July or 20-21 of July. Whoever I add should have experience lead climbing and belaying. We're climbing the Fisher Chimneys route with some class 3 and 4 variations that we will probably want to protect and either belay through or simulclimb through.
  4. I'm leading a climb on Mt. Hood's southside route. Looking for another person or 2 to climb with me and my friend. We will climb either May 4th or May 11th whichever has the best weather. If you're interested send an email to gvogel_mathwsu@yahoo.com
  5. I'd be interested in joining you this summer...I recommend the month of May for Hood though since rock fall is a serious issue on hood past May. I have quite a bit of high altitude experience having climbed in Ecuador, and climbing Shasta last summer. I've also climbed hood and Adams in the cascades along with Grand Teton, and all major peaks in Utah.
  6. Hey Sean, I too am an experienced climber. I'm 26. My schedule only allows a Thursday-Sunday or Friday-Monday climb. If your dates are moderately flexible I'd love to join up with you! You can contact me at gvogel_mathwsu@yahoo.com
  7. Hello, My name is Greg. I'm 26 and I'm also looking to climb Rainier around those dates as well and looking to organize a climbing party. I have quite a bit of experience climbing and have led some climbs as well. I also have a couple training climbs planned before July (Hood in may, and Adams in June) if you'd like to join on one of those. Contact me at gvogel_mathwsu@yahoo.com Greg
  8. I'm organizing a climbing party for Mt. Rainier on the Disappointment Cleaver route. We'll be climbing July 19-22. My father and I are leading the climb. We have experience climbing and leading in the Cascades, and high elevation climbs in Ecuador. I also have led the Grand Teton as well. We are looking for an experienced climber or 2 that can hold their own, the pace will be relaxed, but the climber should still have previous climbing experience on glaciated routes and have attained a summit of at least 12,000 feet or successful summit of Mt. Hood, and also has access to their own individual gear. I have all necessary team gear. Anybody interested please let me know!
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