Hi folks,
Just after a little input in regards to buying boots.
Basically I live out here in Australia, where the only alpine boots available are Sportiva Nepal Evos, Spantiks and Olympus Mons and Asolo plastic boots.....yup, we dont have much of a range.
I know its THE number 1 no no, but I am basically forced to purchase my boots online.
I am looking for a lightweight boot for summer alpine use, and step in crampon compatible, very much like the Trango Extreme.
The issue is, i have a rather wide forefoot so i need boots with a large toebox.
I have been trying to find out more about a few boots that supposedly fit the bill:
-Boreal Cerro Torre
-Lowa Mountain Expert
-Asolo Cholatse
Has anyone had much experience with these boots, or got any other to suggest?
I know...scores of people will say "go to a shop and try them on for fit", I used to play soccer and know just how important fit is in footware...but unfortunately i am forced to purchase alpine boots over the net.
And so I need all the info i can get on different boots.
Thanks for your time folks, your input is much appreciated!