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Everything posted by b_free

  1. Hi, great video. Quick question, what camera are you using? I'm trying to figure out the best way to document trips... Thanks!
  2. Price drop. $525 OBO.
  3. Not looking for trade anymore, I think I found some other tools. Will sell these for less than retail, however not sure what is reasonable price. $600? Thanks.
  4. I have a pair of never-used Ergo's that I would trade or sell. I would trade for a used pair of Quarks/Vipers/Cobras/Nomic plus cash. This is your chance to upgrade off of my overpurchased impulse buy! I realize Ergo's are more expensive than the tools I'm looking for so pls consider that if you want to trade. Ergo's retail for $340/tool plus $50 per adze and hammer attachments = $780. I'll take less than that. I am open to selling the Ergo's but would also consider a trade. I haven't made up my mind so will consider any offers. I may also put on ebay if this doesn't generate interest. Thanks.
  5. Thanks all, this is great. Looks like I should be searching for some quarks/cobras/nomics/rebels. Time to hit the Yard Sale!
  6. Hi all - newbie here. I saw the article on ice tools on the front page but wondering if people can weigh in an ice tool like the Ergo vs. one like the Nomic / BD Cobra. My understanding is that a tool like the Ergo is more for vertical waterfall ice but the Nomic is more for alpine terrain and perhaps more versatile. Is that accurate? (I'm just using the Petzl brand tools for lumping them in categories) I'm looking for a set that is better for steep alpine routes instead of vertical waterfall ice. Maybe there isn't much of a difference but I'm curious to get some more insight. thanks for your input!
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