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About Annie14200

  • Birthday 08/07/1984

Annie14200's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. What he just said. For me it is also a good place to build my strength and learn how to contort myself in odd ways in order to get up a wall! Learning things like Flagging, using your legs and abs and back instead of relying so heavily on your arms, etc.
  2. Point taken! The about me bit was purely for a sense of my physical abilities...If that makes sense?? And I am definitely NOT going to head out to any outdoor climbs with a perfect stranger! Anyone looking to head to Stone Gardens for some bouldering sessions though would be awesome! Again, a girl can dream, right??
  3. I am always looking for advice and information! Not dating!! I have found it very difficult to find people to climb with and the few experienced climbers I do know are hesitant to help a beginner like myself.
  4. I am a new climber, with only a month or so of indoor bouldering experience under my belt. I am looking for people to go bouldering with (Stone Gardens in Bellevue) and more experienced climbers that would be willing to take me under their wing and show me the ropes (literally!) of climbing, both indoor and out.
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