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Everything posted by cosmicdebris

  1. 5 ice screws. 100$. Very little use. Please check out the Craigslist ad http://seattle.craigslist.org/est/spo/3608953258.html
  2. 260 anyone? I might trade 1 or 2 for a static rope
  3. Four omega pacific link cams. Brand new and never placed. $300 obo. .5 .75 1 2 http://m.rei.com/mt/www.rei.com/product/737338/omega-pacific-link-cams I'm located In Seattle. You'll get the best response from me by emali si.trek@live.com
  4. im headed out later today let me know if your still looking si.trek@live.com
  5. I'm in Seattle
  6. I have some extra passive gear I don't use so it's time to stop carying it around. If the prices don't sound right or if you have a trade(old ropes or most things related to trad aid or camping) just let me know I'm a pretty negotiable guy. Also pics may or may not be coming soon but I can text or email them to you. 8 wild country rock stoppers size 2-9 $40 7 Bd hexes 4-10 $50 11 bd nuts $55
  7. I'm sure more people get more enjoyment from vantage because the bolts are there. You can't say the same about the poop. Dont like the bolts? Then don't climb them. But next time your on a popular vantage trad climb just remember how much rock was pryed out of that crack before tou got to it. To me that much change in the rock pretty much puts it equal to a sport climb. Plus all those bolts will fall off the rock at vantage pretty soon anyway Thanks for the info Matt. And I definitely appreciate the work of everyone with the wcc. Maybe I have to find Somone to put up a sign on the board showing people how to poo responsibly haha
  8. so it was a real treat to have the port-a-john out at vantage this summer. its been nice not having to watch out for loads when walking through campsites. but apparently that was too good to be true. this weekend the toilet was sitting randomly on the side of the road halfway between silica road and the main camping area next to a camper..what gives? im wondering if it was moved so it would see less traffic. but now its almost out of walking distance even for the feathers crowd. anyways my concern isnt so much not have a nasty toilet to use but other weekend concert goers and campers who just poop wherever the hell they want.
  9. I'm up for going anywhere within 3 hrs from Seattle. Vantage, index or Leavenworth are at the top of my list. I prefer trad and can lead 5.10 but I'm up for sport climbing also (up to 5.12). I'm fine doing easier stuff also. I have a rack and a car so if anyone is free lets go! Contact me at Si.trek@live.com
  10. hey im in looking for a trad partners to go out to vantage, index or anywhere thats close. maybe just for day trips. im relatively new to leading trad but can lead 5.10. you can shoot me a email at si.trek@live.com
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