Hey everyone,
Really happy I found this website. So this coming late May/early June I'll be hanging out in the Eugene area looking to explore some awesome wilderness areas. I want to go high up and get some awesome views! I'm interested in climbing, basic mountaineering, and/or backpacking.
Quick history: Coming from the east coast, I climb at the Gunks, leading 5.5 following 5.9, gunks ratings. I have a gunks rack (single set of cams up to 3 and nuts/micronuts and alpine draws). Backpacking trips are common for me, too.
I'd love to do some mountaineering but afraid I haven't had a lot of experience out here with it. I wanted to ask the community what recommendations they have about where I should go. I'd be alone (my friend out in Eugene doesn't climb) so I'd love to join a party if at all possible.
My two thoughts have been doing a solo ascent of one of the sisters (probably middle or south) or heading over the smith rock and hoping to find a partner.
Suggestions? Help a east coaster have a great first experience in the Cascades!