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Posts posted by bd2510

  1. Trip: Mt Jefferson - Jefferon Park Glacier via Woodpecker Ridge Approac


    Date: 6/21/2013


    Trip Report:

    Wojtek and I climbed Jefferson via the KER on Woodpecker ridge. We found conditions to be quite good except for some bad postholing through suncrust lower down. Snow and ice coverage is quite low, and there is not much snow below treeline. Mostly mixed climbing with a little ice on the summit pinnacle.

    For a full writeup see my blog: http://nobolts.blogspot.com/2013/06/6212013-mt-jefferson-via-woodpecker.html



    Gear Notes:

    3 pickets, 4 screws, nuts>BD#7, #10 hex, #1, #2, slings for horns, 1 60m light dry rope, crampons, 2 axes


    Approach Notes:

    leather rigid soled boots

  2. Trip: Mt. Hood - North Face Right Gully (attempt)


    Date: 1/14/2013


    Trip Report:

    Yocum Ridge and I attempted the NF but were turned back by the wind. We did make it above the 'schrund and were able to sample. route conditions.


    see the full trip report here.




    Gear Notes:

    screws and pickets

    2 tools

    warm clothes


    Approach Notes:


  3. Regardless of what you all have said... I'm an engineer at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and the answer is that the decrease in for has to do with impulse, or forceXtime. When climbing companies rate equipment in terms of kN, this is a force. This force is the maximum allowable force on the piece. If, for example the rating is for 6kn, and the piece holds for 1 second, the resulting change in momentum is 6kN sec, which can be translated to a change in momentum. To summarize, no matter what the piece is rated for, it matters how long it holds. A 12kN piece that holds for 50% the time of a 6kN piece changes the force on the other pieces exactly the same amount. More pro is better in general, and everything takes energy out of the system, even the friction of a cordelette over a biner attached to a weak piece.


    Also, for the mathematicians, the change in momentum is equal to the integral of the force in terms of time, and since momentum is mass times velocity, the change in velocity is the integral of Fdv/m.

  4. Easy walking the whole way up if frozen. The shrund is getting pretty big and there was some wind loading in the pearly gates last weekend. West crater rim was in prime skiing shape last weekend, a little powder over ice, but that probably melted off and i would bet its very slick now. Pickets held great in underlying snow.

  5. Trip: Mt. Jefferson 6/10/12 - Jefferson Park KER via Woodpecker Ridge


    Date: 6/10/2012


    Trip Report:

    Yocum Ridge and I made an attempt on Jefferson recently in difficult conditions. I wrote it up on my blog here: http://www.nobolts.blogspot.com/2012/06/mt-jefferson-attempt-via-woodpecker.html

    We climbed most of the KER to the North Ridge junction, but had to bail due to tired party members. 22 hours round trip. This was attempt 4 on Jefferson, but each time something's prevented climbing it. Lots of photos and a full report on the blog. Also look for Yocum Ridge's TR soon.


    Gear Notes:

    3 pickets, 5 screws, many slings, set of nuts, screamers, a few pins.


    Approach Notes:

    Woodpecker Ridge trailhead (1 mile walk up snow covered road). Endless post holing both directions.

  6. I don't think the original posts by that user were intended to get attention, but to amuse him and the others involved. I do think, however that the increased participation resulting from such a post is advantageous in the long run to this site. Repeated offenses should be punished but one post like this is not harmful. However, it could be moved to spray or some category so that it does not interfere with serious posts.


    (Green jacket on nobolts.blogspot.com)

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