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Posts posted by JB_PDXS

  1. Does anyone know "WHEN" Mt. Adams permits come available for the Spring 2022 climbing season? 

    On the Recreation.gov and Forest Service sites, they all state that you do need a climbing activity pass for Mt. Adams however....they don't state when the passes become available? 

    Planning on climbing in May of 2022 and seeking to secure pass as early as possible, since there is so much traffic in the cascades these days. 

    For reference - 



  2. Went  up last Saturday, 3-5 feet of snow at the last 1000 feet or so, lot of postholing going on. Overall trail was in good shape.

    A few trees and limbs to climb over due to the storms. 

    Saw about 20-25 people all day. On a trail that long, there were moments of not seeing anyone which was nice. 

    My friend's first time on Defiance and after a couple of hours, he said out loud "this trail is UNRELENTING"....I laughed and said yup, this is the hard one in the Gorge.  :)

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  3. Just attempted to go up Mt. Defiance (C Gorge) yesterday 03.03.2012 and the trail is impassable. Too many winter storms have knocked down trees/limbs/rocks/and there is a place in the first two miles where about 15 feet of the trail is completely washed away from a mudslide. It is literally an obstacle course right now. I am bummed because it's my favorite trainer and I am training for Mt. Hood right now. This is the first time I went up this season. Will have to wait until some serious trail maintenance is completed. I went up Starvation Ridge Trail instead and starting running into the same problems. Came back home and ran some hills. JB

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