Trip: Mt Hood - South side
Date: 2/5/2012
Trip Report:
Made it up to the summit with no qualms. Took the narrow chute to the right of the old chute. It looked pretty good lower down, but turned out to be a little more icy than expected. Pearly Gates was too icy apparently---an experienced climber retreated from it. Most people ascended the old chute that morning.
A beautiful morning!
Approach Notes:
Needed crampons after Palmer.
I just checked the website, they don't lock the cabin, just the cupboard with the dishes and cookware. I was up there in December, it's open. $5 dollar donation for those who visit for the day by the honor system.
Fellow climbers,
So we're looking to get input from the climbing community on what they'd like to see in a new climbing gym for Portland.
Let's try this poll manager out... for more polls check out our Facebook page. Cheers!
The Edge Team
I have a number of free days to go climbing. I'd like to climb Mt. hood to the top. I have climbed it at various times on various sides, and usually go skinning up it, but never summited.
Talk to you soon!