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Everything posted by VultureVision

  1. To post this: [video:youtube] Let's define addiction: Bribe the present, bill the future. Woah, sounds just like government spending. In fact, it is government spending. America: Made in China.
  2. Ivan, you get my laughter. And for the masses who accept lies: Taxation IS THEFT, STEALING, BRIBERY, with OUTRIGHT THREATS backing it. Choose whatever COMFORTING LIES you desire. I choose freedom, choice, evidence, and virtue. (And I actually support my statements, thanks. Feel free to communicate anytime with intelligence.) Taxation is just armed robbery. It's a straight fact. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ub-0yX0iWqI
  3. The truth is unpopular, since lies are comforting.
  4. I anticipated Rob pussying out. Anyway, here's some truth. [video:youtube]
  5. Or you know, if Skype is way easier, we can do that. But either way. What do you think?
  6. Well, I keep my intellect sharp by not using drugs and alcohol. So how about I get a lemonade with a little umbrella? And first, we should decide on the topic to debate. Any suggestions?
  7. If you decide to reason with me, I suggest you bring your attention span - you're going to need it.
  8. Wow. Y'all are hilarious. If by "the cult", you mean "my ideas", then yes, I'm a member of the club. And if by "intelligent" you mean "attacking at the person behind the logical arguments being proposed", then many of y'all are very "intelligent". If you are wise, then you will address the information itself, and not just the messenger. Anyone want to have a civil debate in person? I live in Portland, OR and I'm willing to debate someone who sees himself as a superhero. Only condition is that it is recorded with a video camera and posted on this forum afterwords. Kevbone can even record it, and I'll supply the camera. So how about it Rob - you got the balls for a civil, in-person debate? Or is the keyboard more comforting?
  9. Hahaha, Wow. I found a perfect quote for Robbie: "A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle." - Benjamin Franklin
  10. And j_b, I'm not sure I understand your position precisely.
  11. Anyone brave enough to tell me what actually causes them to regard something as "true"? (I'm looking for SPECIFICS.)
  12. [video:youtube] Any Questions?
  13. I'm not sure if anyone here genuinely wants truth. However, if you do, feel free to check out my friend's website, which does a good job at supporting my points for me: tinyurl.com/FreedomFromTheUltimatePrison I don't think anyone will debate me. However, I am open to a civil debate at any time, with anyone.
  14. Thank you for your correction, I accept it with appreciation. I notice, the more someone sees their opinion as the only way, the more that person is close-minded, because they think they know it all - so there is "nothing else they could possibly learn". But it's always possible to learn more. Who here would be willing to accept new information if it was truly more accurate than the information they hold to?
  15. Government IS force. I'll throw in another one while we're at it: “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” - Thomas Jefferson Well, looks like we're almost there. Thanks, Jefferson! In the mean time, feel free to understand how voting works: [video:youtube]
  16. I cannot think of a single government that has not used the traditional, immoral, and ignorant methods for governing. For just a moment, Government = "Slavery": -There will always be those moral, virtuous few that put forward the idea that we should "end slavery!" because it's immoral. -"It's wrong, and therefore it should be ENDED.", they say, "Slave owners BEAT their slaves. This should end!" -But then, in come the slave owners and they all cry out "But then who will work on my plantations?!?!" as they frown. -The ethical, forward-benefit-oriented-thinkers will then talk about how "It doesn't matter! It's simply WRONG to have slaves!" -The slave owners will obsessively hold on to their current system out of fear and greed. This is all they know. -The Liberators know slavery is wrong. So they live with virtue, and help others to experience "Reason = Virtue = Happiness." Does anyone have any evidence to the contrary? (AND on another note: Many governments are supported in treating the effects, and not the causes of harm. Many people tend to live in fear of confronting the real issue(s) / source(s) of "evil". Maybe try addressing the real issues, and not superficial ones.)
  17. Thank you very much. Anyone want to post something with some substance? I respond very well to reason and evidence. Degeneracy... Not so much. [img:left]http://static.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/154040-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img]
  18. Anything I could make more clear for anyone?
  19. How about something a little more like... my favorite video?: [video:youtube]
  20. So far I've basically just posted seemingly wild conclusions. I haven't really explained any of my conclusions, yet.
  21. If I said I was a nihilist, I would be lying to you. Also, if I said the U.S. operates honestly, morally, and effectively, - that would be a much, much, much, much, much, much, much bigger lie. Willful ignorance is the enemy.
  22. I'm actually not entirely sure of my political stance. If I had to choose two for myself...: Anarchy and Libertarian. However, I combine many skeletons of thought to produce mine. And about Ron Paul - he seems like the best "choice" out there. He seems to be honest, experienced, and actually FOR the people. If someone had to be elected, I think Ron Paul = best choice. Because: Ron Paul honors your ability to make your own choices. And, because his integrity is truly a force to be reckoned with. Other politicians can be quite tempting to fans of soap operas. They deliver many glamorous promises (they will never fulfill). In summary, I prefer to elect THE AMERICAN PEOPLE to power. But, the next best / a more realistic positioning is Ron Paul. On another note, The U.S. has been baptized in the shame of its past actions. It ignores the LARGEST issues that cause mass destruction, such as its currency, corrupt politicians, and fear-mongering.. Wars, coercion, bribery (taxation), and the list goes on... And at the same time, the U.S. is OCD on TINY infringements. Part of the U.S. hungers to claim responsibility - to realize how it harms itself, by choosing knowledge. And through the lens of knowledge, reason, and evidence, the U.S. may repent for its sins and claim salvation. And that's because -Integrity Is Salvation.- (And I'm not religiously affiliated btw.) Just some thoughts.
  23. How about we all muster enough courage to look at REASON and EVIDENCE, so we may live in reality; and not a fantasy. [video:youtube]
  24. The government is a psychopathic murderer. It uses force to take what it wants, and enforces the desires of the few onto the majority. And by the way, you're not allowed to kidnap, torture, and murder, but the government allows itself to do so - legally! The U.S. government attracts a cold-hearted few to the eye of the political pyramaid, from which they engineer ice-cold calculation to take give the government more power, always rendering you more helpless than you were a moment before. The government wants to make decisions for you. Because if you had the power to make your own decisions, then you'd be a threat to the government. Take back what's yours, and do NOT support a system rooted in violence, greed, hate, and fear.
  25. Not to be a freaking downer... But I believe the question should always come back to 'Is this the moral thing to do?' For example, when it comes to any part of government, or government as a whole, the the trillion dollar question is simply: Is this [event] moral?
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