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Posts posted by trailtrasch.

  1. Sup yall.

    New here, and to climbing.

    Im 21 and judt got diagnosed with stage 2 varicocele in my left testicle. BUMMER.

    ive been backpacking since I was a kid, and just started climbing this year. Been doing some bouldering in Leavenworth, my first climbs have been Ruth, Baker and Dragontail (not in that order).

    I recently got back from a 4day hike from Snoqualmie to Stevens via the PCT, my pack weight was 27lbs MAX.


    Well a couple days after i get back, I get this GNARLY groin pain. Felt like someone knee'd me, hard!


    2 doc visits, 1 urologyst trip, boom. Varicocele. Operations are simple but 50/50 as far as pain alleviation. Supposedly I could face infertility later on, im not as worried about that as I am just being able to keep hiking and climbing.

    This happened 3weeks ago, ive only just been able to walk/sit/drive 'normal' (i was walking like I crapped myself for a week..baaad pain) since sunday the 9th.


    im worried, and frankly, sketched.

    Does anyone else here have experience coping with this issue? Hell, or even know another climber who has? I cant seem to get straight answers anywhere, so any advice would be legit.

    Many thanks


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