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About twdirty

  • Birthday 12/22/1984

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Gumby (1/14)



  1. It's true. A few of us from the Outward Bound Mazama Community were celebrating the end of a successful season. It's the third time we've put it up. Here's a picture of Wyatt, the mastermind.
  2. what sort of condition are these in? do you have any pictures? Thanks!
  3. Thanks for all the positive reactions and support!It is a great feeling to see people other than yourself get excited about your projects. Lisa- the traverse under Whatcom went pretty quick. I hear that this get tricky in late season but with the amount of snow we had it was relatively straight forward.
  4. Trip: Picket range - Complete N. to S. Traverse Date: 8/3/2011 Trip Report: So it took awhile but I finally got around to writing up a trip report for a recent adventure. In early August myself and a good friend attempted a 12 day traverse of the entire Picket range. The route was characterized by alpine rock, glacier travel, steep snow couloirs, and plenty of loose rock. The link below is the TR written in blog form of the sufferfest. If it goes, it goes... Below is a 12 minute video/slideshow that my buddy Joel put together highlighting the trip. If it goes... Hope you enjoy...
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