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About RBeberwyck

  • Birthday 11/26/2017

RBeberwyck's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. I am missing a Red and Black Marmot softshell jacket and a Frenchman Coulee guidebook. I was climbing at The Feathers yesterday and a person in my group might have put them in the wrong backpack. I would really love to get them back. Please get in touch with me if you have seen them. Ryan Beberwyck 512-206-6699
  2. Found a pair of shoes and a thermal top at the Sunset Slabs on Mount Eerie. They were left on Saturday 7/20. PM me with identifying info and I will help get them to you.
  3. The app is now available on the marketplace for download! Get it here (Needs Zune software installed.)
  4. Peaked Blog is a new blog to talk about my upcoming app for Windows Phone 7. Peaked delivers NWAC forecasts directly to your phone. It saves the data retrieved from the web, so you can view the latest saved forecast, even with no current network connection. Screen shots of the app are available on the blog. You can also add comments, suggest features for upcoming releases, and ask questions. The app is currently in the certification and validation process and will be available shortly. A post on the blog and this thread will announce when it becomes available.
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