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Everything posted by erhardi

  1. I heard about that one. I also heard they used a zodiak to cross the inlet and stocked up on taco bell burritos for the climb. Whatever happened, that's a heck of a day trip.
  2. Thanks, She looks like a great resource. The active volcano stuff is always a concern...that's part of why I wanted to know if anyone has climbed it in the last few years.
  3. I keep looking at Mount Redoubt and am really interested in hearing from anyone who has any recent (post 2009)experience with climbing the beautiful peak. Either approach via plane or a boat is an option so either experience would be a help.
  4. Just used the petzl clippers on my coulior harness and it snagged on the fabric a little when taking them off. My solution was to gring the edges off the clipper in the fat part and it now fits perfect.
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