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Everything posted by pjp

  1. so I get the feeeling like your,oh so seriouse. Is that anything like climbing the north face of uxbridge road? Very much so. Thanks for your two cents worth of info. Are your other 8000+ posts full of useless info aswell?
  2. so I get the feeeling like your,oh so seriouse. Is that anything like climbing the north face of uxbridge road?
  3. Thanks for the info
  4. Can anyone point me in the right direction for some good bouldering, to gain some skills! Any thing local? Man made, natural. Federal way is y location.
  5. What are the skills needed for that? Where is that? Tempting.... You do know I am as green as they come!
  6. regular partner wanted. I'm taking a basics in climbing class very soon and will have all the necessary equipment. i belong to a gym with a small indoor climb area. and will probably be going to edgeworks in Tacoma here and there. and there's always sprinker(weather permitting). not sure about this year but for sure next spring, lots of outside climbing. i hope. so I'm thinking training/climbing partner, and moving on to some more extreme mountaineering. eventually. i work through the week early have weekend off. train in the evening during the week and tear it up on the weekend
  7. pjp

    new guy on the rock

    thanks for the invite tmo. as soon as i have some experience and knowledge under my harness, ill hit you up for that eagle climb.just wondering whats confusing about the top here?
  8. hello all. my name is Phil. i am new to the climbing fun, no gear yet but i do some bouldering at sprinker. i recently hiked to the saddle of eagle peak on mt.rainier. but just could not find my way to the top of the rock or crag. (did i use that correctly), which was my goal. now i need to learn to climb. is that even climbable has anyone done that? iv always had the urge,its time to take action. a climbing partner seems to be a key element. on that note i joined this forum in hopes of finding climbing friends. i been to the local gym and plan on doing the basic crash course to get started. anyone have any suggestions on a good place to do this? i have a good idea but i wanted some other opinions. any other newbies want to get together ans start climbing. i work m-f off weekends. and I'm not afraid to miss work for time in the mountains.
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