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alpine glower

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Posts posted by alpine glower

  1. Mr. Billcoe, thank you for the kind welcome! Now it looks like I will be looking for other areas close to the Sweet Home area to get back into it. We enjoyed the Menagerie a little, though I recall being rather scared up there. Any suggestions? The moss was all part of the game, we loved every second of it!




  2. Mr. Checat, since you continue to remain anonymous even in a personal message consisting of blabbering off twenty differnt names of no relevance to your identity, I will respond you to you over this fourm. Due to your exremely poor attitude and arrogance, I want to make it clear I have absolutly no intention of helping you or your friends with a guide book. Especially about an area on private land. This is what I will tell you. As you seem to care so much about grades. To possibly put it in prespective for you, we easily kept up and even climbed harder than Chris Jones during the few times we got to boulder with him. We wrestled and the forest became our gym, and eventually our passion for a while. We did a fair amount of roped climbing on the cliffs in the area and I remember some moderate cracks that we climbed. Nothing was written, nothing was told, few names were given, almost all forgetten, numbers had no relevance. We didnt care if any one had climbed there before us. None of this ever even crossed our minds. Your ideals of climbing and bouldering are far far differnt than what we had going on then and there. I was hoping to someday capture the magic once found there in the forest but now that idea seems rather far fetched if I ever run into any of your gang out there. I don't want to have to worry while I am at the crag.

  3. And also Checat (who ever you are?) if I am reading this correctly you seem to imply you may be writing a guide book. If this is the case, I really hope you do not publish flase information. Your also going to need some gross attitude adjustments if you ever expect me to help you correct your information in any way.



  4. Hi Checat, I have recently been following much discussion of this said area online. I am sorry to inform you my friends and I frequented this area in the mid to late 70's and into the early 80's when in high school and home from college. If you are talking about "The Garden" outside of Sweet Home, we referred to it as The Enchanted Forest, there were a few more trees in the area then. The four of us all from the wrestling team took to climbing after reading climbing and bouldering in a magazine. One of the guys Richard I belive had seen or visted the area before so after that we cleaned and scrubbed hundreds of hidden problems through out the area. I really felt like we were pushing some grades, but hell we were just four boys from Sweet Home High. We only named the most classics, and most of those names have escaped me. A few stick out, but since you are obviously so concerned with your names I'll let you keep yours. I've seen what I belive are your rude comments on mountainproject.com, and will not do the same to you for simply re-naming some silly little boulder problems. I went out there this past winter when I was in the area and was amazed by the trail system. I hope to move back to Sweet Home soon to be close to my parents. I have recently gotten back into climbing and bouldering so I might see you out there. I really hope you do not take such a harsh tone at a crag we so greatly cherished.








    P.S. I just read your comment about violence at the crag due to re-nameing the boulders. What do you think I should do to you? I am in awe.

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