Question for anyone who has been up here recently: are there any significant hazards (crevasses, etc) on this approach? Trying to decide whether or not to take a rope...
2-man team seeking a third/fourth to attempt the DC route in 2-3 days somewhere in this window.
My climbing resume: Rainier, Adams, Hood, Baker, Shasta, St. Helens
Other team member has high-altitude Rainier experience but has been turned back twice short of the summit.
As of yesterday, the Old Chute is being climbed. It is steep and icy - about 300-400 feet of it must be downclimbed facing the slope. There was some significant rock and ice falling, even before the sun hit that side of the mountain. A large avalanche had come down the chute into the bowl to the left of the Hogsback - I was told this had happened on Friday.