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Everything posted by GNARnia

  1. All Items SOLD & Shipped
  2. Other tent got stolen, need some cash for new sleeping setup. Red C4 $50 Bootied this from a 5.7, probably the only placement it's ever been in. Some lobe wear at the extremely cammed position it was in, lobes are basically fresh in the range they should be. (I usually wouldn't sell bootied gear, but my shit got robbed so there) Bibler I-Tent with Vestibule $300 Screaming deal for a 4 season tent here, I was trying to sell for $420 earlier. I've had this for a while but it's still in great shape, I rarely use it which is why we are parting (4 days a year or so). What's nice about it is it will last about as long as 3 or 4 firstlights, which eventually lose their water repellency, and they have tieouts on the side which greatly increase the living area. 4.15lbs with main body & 2 stakes, 5.75 lbs with the spacious vestibule. The floor is a bit discolored, functions 100% BD Punisher L, Impulse L $20 each Need some more ice climbing gloves? Minimal wear, the Punisher is still a little stiff from not being worn and the Impulse has been out 3-4 times maybe? I'll pay for shipping on everything but the gloves, PayPal preferred, I pretty much always ship day of.
  3. Bought this last week, then had my tent stolen so I need to sell it to buy other things. Verified as 890 fill, 19.6 ounces, would be perfect for Rainier and other chilly places. PayPal prefered
  4. Sold a while ago. Got antsy and sold them for too cheap, oh well
  5. Someone please buy these, I'm begging you!
  6. Bought these last year, I've used them on 2 climbs a few days of in town snowpocalyse, just a little too narrow to work for me. $300, Split shipping cost with me. Thanks for looking, feel free to make me an offer as well.
  7. I've worn these about 3-4 times, they are just too narrow to justify owning. I will split the shipping cost with the buyer, or do a local pickup in Bend. I will apologize ahead of time if I'm slow getting back to you. Thanks for looking, Jon
  8. Rope and Nupste sold Price drop on Trangos to $100 + Shipping & Handling
  9. price drop bump. Make me an offer!
  10. Rope, Trangos, Nupstes with Baruntse liners STILL AVAILABLE
  11. Typically I split shipping with the buyer, and I am open to a good offer. Prefer Paypal as payment, and can deliver locally in Bend Oregon I have 2 pairs of size 44 La Sportiva Boots Nuptses with Baruntse Liners $150 I've worn these under 10 times since I've owned them, the liners even less. A really good double boot that didn't have good liners, I bought better liners for them a while ago and now they are great. Probably won't find a better deal on high quality synthetic double boots than that. Trango Extreme Evo $125 More used than the Nupstes, these are still fully waterproof and I put nice Superfeet insoles in them. Fully crampon compatible and very stiff in the sole, but walk really well because they are flexible in the ankle. Metolius 60M X 6.2 rope $80 Still has plenty of life left, super durable for its diameter
  12. Softshell sold, still selling the Belay Parka
  13. Belay Jacket Size Medium 22oz 4 oz Primaloft 1 in the body, 3 oz in arms and hood. 3 Outer pockets, and two drying pockets Small holes on rear left side sealed with Seamgrip MSRP $270 Previous owner was Doug Shepard if that has any bearing Big 4 Softshell Size Medium 18oz Original model as reviewed here: coldthistle.blogspot.com/2012/... Helmet compatible hood 1 outer pocket, two drying pockets small cosmetic blemishes on the shoulders from SAR EMT patches that did not stick MSRP for current version is $220, mine is the light Schoeller dryskin version If you pay $80 for the Belay, $40 for the Big 4, or $110 for both I will ship for free! Jon
  14. Trip: Prussik Peak - Beckey-Davis-Rhoderick-TownSEND-Stanley-Burgner Date: 6/27/2014 Trip Report: I was lucky enough to snaffle up a Snow Lakes camping pass this week, as well as an excellent partner to head up mid week with. We had plans of doing more routes up there but the weather moved in and I bonked hard on our first day. Working off a very poor printout of the Nelson-Potterfield topo we started up the Beckey-Davis route instead of Stanley-Burgner but the last pitch is so obvious Helen Keller could get there (with some spray). On the summit Johnny and I were convinced that was the hardest 5.9 we had ever done, and that we had found a way around the 5.9 squeeze, which in reality was 100 ft to our left. I found the description ambiguous enough to believe we were on route the whole time (Der Routefinding) Almost got our rope stuck on the last rap, got into camp at 10PM after 16 hours on the move. P1: Started up a #4 sized crack left of the Beckey-Davis Chimney, eventually hit the chimney, encountering a pin, & the belay buttonheads. From here I headed up a gully with a tricky knob traverse to a tree at 70M Mproj description said a 5.8 crack left of a chimney, easily linked to a tree so we thought we nailed it! P2: Continued up the gully, then left up a series of fun finger cracks, ending on Snafflehound Ledge Mproj said head up to the highest tree with a think crack going up. I think there was a think crack P3: We thought we were now on the 5.8 OW pitch of S-B. Directly above Snaffle Hound is a great OW with knobs on the outside and chockstones inside for respite. It protected adequately with our rack and the knobs encouraged me to layback and mantle around the gnarlier bits. Eventually it let off into a gully, right before I lost visual contact I built a belay in a .5/.75 crack. We assumed it was just the hardest 5.8 we'd ever done, but it was obviously harder than the 5.9+ pitch. P4: We chose a finger crack instead of a squeeze that was above us, making us think we were still on route. Its relatively moderate until you hit a finger traverse that brings you to the big ledge below the final pitch. My topo is probably off here, but its pretty straightforward. P5: The last pitch of Stanley-Burgner, super fun! Thought it would be harder after the shit we put ourselves through. The rock was basically wonderful the whole way through, which is a testament to Prussik. Has anyone done what was our P3? Its a great offwidth, and very prominent from the base, it certainly has to have been climbed before. "Der 5.8" OW "Pretty sure we are on route" Gear Notes: "Dude I would totally blow someone for a #4 right now" Approach Notes: Snow Lakes Trail, there's little bit of snow underneath Prussik & Vivianne.
  15. I estimate these have less than 10 days on them, closer to 5. Don't get out enough. Buyer pays shipping or arranges pick up in Bend/Portland. Pictures here: http://www.mountainproject.com/v/fs-bd-prime-ski-boots-mondo-28-170/108769915 Jon
  16. Looking for partners on my first trip to Index, especially on the weekdays. Ill be at the camp, in a blue VW Jetta. I lead 12c sport and 11b trad at Smith, looking forward to a nice Index Spanking at any grade! Will bribe with beer if/as needed. Jon
  17. Hi all, I'm thinking of hitting the Bozeman Ice Fest next week. I'm in Terrebonne but I'm down to meet up with anyone who wants to get after some ice. My car gets around 42-45 mpg on this 790 mile drive, $150 of total gas to be split. 1-3 people are welcome to come, so let me know and we can swing our picks! Jon
  18. Bump with pictures and price drop 220+ Shipping, in epic fabric
  19. Feathered Friends Frontpoint M Grey 280 obo Brand spankin new, hasn't been worn outdoors never been packed. Will trade for a DAS parka This is a huge jacket, too warm for what I'm planning on doing, but if you need one this big you might not find a better price. If anyone is interested in this I will post pictures. Jon
  20. Looking for any pitons in reasonable shape (Can be hammered back to straight if a little beat up). Anything in the knifeblade/bugaboo-lost arrow-1/2" & 5/8"angles. BD prefered but I'm mainly just looking for more pitons! Jon
  21. Recently got posted up on Alpinist, on top of all that fear they say his belayer never held a lead fall before!!
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