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Tyler Lappetito

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Posts posted by Tyler Lappetito

  1. I can leave Seattle around noon and stay as late as you'd like.


    I lead low 10s. I'm happy to do all the leading or swap. Flexible about what we climb.


    Best to text or call 360 643 9028 if you're interested.



  2. What are your geographical parameters? Want to stick in the NW? Travel the country? What time of year will you be dirtbaggin? These questions will definitely affect cost. Lots of places have their little tricks for pretending to self-pay at the campground, get free showers, snag someone's leftover fries. If you ask about specific places you want to climb at, I guarantee people will give you specific beta you'll put to use when you arrive.


    Do you own a car you'll travel and live out of? I've been 'dirtbaggin' since June and have kept my costs down a lot by not owning a car and traveling with other people. I've met plenty of folks living that lifestyle without a car (definitely gets you in touch with minimalism). The dirtbag migrates and if you're in the circuit you'll make friends and meet people traveling to the right spots. In terms of logistics, cost, and overall experience it will be really different if you're out there on your own or with people you set out to travel with.


    I've traveled a lot in S. America and while living costs are low when you arrive, you'll inevitably spend more on the overall trip and climb less than if you stay in N. America.


    If you're going to be on the road for awhile I recommend having some goals you're working towards to help keep things in perspective when you start to get burnt out. For me that has been a trip up to the Ruth this spring. That goal helped me stay focused.


    You'll never look back on life and say "shit, I wish I didn't spend that year climbing in beautiful spots with all those fun people".


    Enjoy it.

  3. While on a climbing road trip this summer I met a guy named Matt and a woman named Britney at Index. We climbed in Index and Leavenworth together and parted ways to head south to CA. I lost their info and am hoping to meet up with them again.


    Here is how you can help. Matt is from Issaquah (and climbed at Index a ton) as are two of his friends that I met (Frank and Dave). Dave seemed pretty settled at Index and crushes. Frank climbs hard sport routes and was commercial fishing in AK this summer. All three of these guys are from the Issaquah area. That's all the info you get to help solve the mystery.


    If anyone can help me get in touch with any of these guys I would appreciate it.

  4. It's been a great summer back in the NW but I'm debating whether or not I'll be heading back CA for the fall season. My first preference is to stick around here for the month and try to climb the NEB of Slesse, DNB of Bear, and some routes at WA Pass.


    I'm based out of Leavenworth right now but have gear, transportation, and a wide open schedule. It would be great to meet up with some other motivated climbers and get on these classics. I'd prefer to meet up and crag before climbing the NEB or DNB.


    Send me a PM or text or call 360 643 9028 to talk more about specifics and backgrounds.


    It would be great to get something lined up in time to take advantage of any weather windows that show up.



  5. I'm interested in climbing Liberty Crack this upcoming weekend or early next week. It would be great to crag at Index later this week first. I'm on a long climbing road trip so my schedule is flexible.


    The best way to reach me is to text or call 360 643 9028.



  6. I'm heading to Leavenworth tomorrow and interested in Backbone Ridge, Serpentine Arete, and NEB of Colchuck. I'm in WA for a good chunk of the summer and trying to climb a lot.


    I'm also interested in Cragging at Index.


    I'm flexible so if someone has other climbs on their list I'm open to talk. I lead 10a in the mountains and have gear and alpine experience.


    Best to text or call 360 643 9028.



  7. Interested in 1. Backbone 2. Serpentine 3. NEB of Colchuck. I'd like to head to the TH on Monday and do a route car to car on Tuesday.


    WA Pass and Index cragging are other options. I'm open to your ideas as well.


    I lead hard 5.9 easy 10s. Have gear and alpine experience. Looking for experienced partners.


    Call or text 360 643 9028.



  8. I'd like to climb some of the longer routes at WA pass this week. Can drive up on Tuesday and looking to climb Wed. and Thurs.... potentially longer.


    Lead hard 5.9 and easy 10s C1/C2. Lots of options I'd like to climb in the area. Looking for experienced partners.


    Best to call or text at 360 643 9028.



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